How to get computer information with Powershell on Windows 11.

Getting good hardware information is very useful on a Windows system, I will show some very useful one-liners for getting hardware information on Windows. This example gives information about the CPU cores and the other pertinent CPU information. PS C:\Users\Intel i5> Get-WmiObject –class Win32_processor | ft systemname,Name,DeviceID,NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors   systemname Name…

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Another way to get useful hardware information with dmidecode on Arch Linux.

Getting useful hardware information is very important on a Linux system. With Arch Linux, this is quite simple. Install dmidecode. [root@darkstar Downloads]# pacman -Sy dmidecode[root@darkstar Downloads]# pacman -Sy dmidecode This will query sysfs to return hardware information. This command will print the model name of the computer`s motherboard. [root@darkstar Downloads]#…

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The best PC hardware to upgrade a gaming PC for the holiday season.

Gift suggestions for buying PC hardware in America There are many excuses to upgrade a machine of yours for this holiday season. Gaming is one very good reason. The gift of powerful PC hardware would be much appreciated when games are becoming more and more demanding of PC specifications. Especially…

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Old but cool finds on the Internet.

I have found this awesome web page. This allows the user to build and order a flash new PC. This PC would run any office productivity or gaming app you could throw at it. A powerful Pentium MMX CPU, a 8MB graphics accelerator card, and 3.2 GB HDD. This…

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How to get good system information quickly on Linux.

Get Linux system information To get good Linux system information, use these simple utilities. 1. Screenfetch. Install screenfetch. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install screenfetchjason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install screenfetch Then run it to get information about your PC. jason@jason-desktop:~$ screenfetch ./+o+- jason@jason-desktop yyyyy- -yyyyyy+ OS: Ubuntu 17.04 zesty ://+//////-yyyyyyo Kernel: x86_64 Linux…

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Simple Linux commands to get information from your system.

Get your Internet routable IP address with the command line. [jason@localhost ~]$ curl ‘’ ; echo[jason@localhost ~]$ curl ‘’ ; echo Get the startup time of your Linux PC with Systemd. [jason@localhost ~]$ systemd-analyze Startup finished in 1.186s (kernel) + 9.653s (initrd) + 2min 37.144s (userspace) = 2min 47.984s[jason@localhost ~]$…

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Gaining information about your Linux system using the Linux command line.

Gaining information about a Linux system is very easy, there are quite a few Linux commands that can print detailed specs of your hardware configuration. The lsblk command prints information about your block devices. This can be used to list all disk partitions and CD/DVD drives. ┌─[jason@neo]─[~] └──╼ $lsblk NAME…

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Zuck’s photos from Facebook’s futuristic Arctic data center

14468376_10103136675908131_1017204796411632535_o Why pay for air conditioning when you can just build a data center near the Arctic Circle and pump in the frosty winds? That’s why Facebook created these massive fans for its Luleå, Sweden data center. In hopes of proving that Facebook’s 10-year plan goes way beyond the News Feed, Mark Zuckerberg has begun sharing rare photos of the company’s technology. Here’s his… Read More

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Phononic raises $30 million to rethink refrigeration

snow mountain peak A startup based in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park, Phononic, wants to make refrigeration and temperature control far more efficient, and steadier, than is possible with traditional systems. Instead of relying on vapor compressors, fans, chillers or passive heat sinks, Phononic makes semiconductors that are smaller than a dime, and actively remove heat from the places or… Read More

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All 44 startups that launched at Y Combinator S16 Demo Day 1

y-combinator-logo Farm drones, autonomous security guards and next-generation tampons were among the products presented at today’s Y Combinator startup accelerator Summer 2016 Demo Day 1. You can check out write-ups of all 44 below. And here are TechCrunch’s picks for “The top 7 startups from YC Demo Day 1”, plus writeups of the 48 startups that launched on Demo Day 2… Read More

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A first look at the Alta Motors all-electric-motorcycle factory

alta-motors-thumb Motorcycle makers Alta Motors have opened the doors to their new factory in Brisbane, California, and TechCrunch was on the scene for a first look. A quick trip from downtown San Francisco, the factory is in a low and unassuming concrete structure. Inside, it’s surprisingly quiet, thanks in part to the fact that the motorcycles Alta makes are all-electrics, and final assembly of these… Read More

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Misc commands to get system information from a Linux box.

List all network interfaces on your Linux machine that are up. [jason@localhost ~]$ ip addr | grep UP 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 2: eno16777736: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP qlen 1000 3: virbr0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN[jason@localhost ~]$ ip addr…

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