A one-liner that will list only the mounted removable drives on your system.

This command will only list the mounted removable drives on your Linux system. The ones under /dev/sd*. This is very easy to use. 4.4 Mon Jan 13 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ cat /etc/mtab | grep /dev/s[a-f]/* /dev/sda2 /media/jason/Seagate\040Expansion\040Drive fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0 /dev/sdb4 /media/jason/My\040Stuff fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 04.4 Mon Jan 13…

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Some very useful Powershell tricks.

Print the current date and time with Powershell. "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date)"{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) This is an example of what this will give you. PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) Tuesday – 08:42:05 – 30/1/18PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss -…

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Will we ever completely replace the hard drive?

I  am wondering, if due to the popularity of the SSD solid state hard drives, are we going to see the end of the conventional hard disk with metal platters and read-write heads that skitter over the surface floating on a cushion of air. The SSD drives are getting better…

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Seagate ships new 8 terabyte hard disk drive.

Seagate company have shipped a new 8 terabyte hard disk drive; this offers a lot of storage space for the price. The price is not available, but the TCO is claimed to be the lowest of any hard disk drive on the market. I am waiting to find out how…

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Linux in the movies and television. Some famous appearances.

In the television series “Heroes” a KDE desktop was spotted running the Kopete application. A screenshot below. This is a Mandriva distribution displaying part of the Kmix window and a live webcam application. We all know about the famous scene in the Matrix Reloaded where Trinity is cracking the Matrix…

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Dick Smith Electronics selling used hard drives as new. Ooops.

Dick Smith Electronics, a major Australian retailer have been accused of selling used and malware infected hard drives as new, endangering the computers owned by consumers. In one instance a preacher bought an external hard drive and when he plugged it in he was greeted by a pornographic video. You…

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