TOR hidden services shown on Mr Robot TV show.

A recent Mr Robot episode featured a TOR hidden site that was used to traffic kidnapped people. This is depicting the TOR service as a haven for illegal activities, when it is not even that secure in the first place. It is mainstream now, with everyone talking about it and…

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Elysium film showing real UNIX commands in a blockbuster movie.

The movie Elysium showcased some awesome UNIX shell commands. The rhost command was one, there is a more detailed show here: The nmap port scanning utility is used to port scan Matt Damon`s brain before the data is copied from his neural storage to the Elysium computer system. I…

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Malcom Turnbull and his failure on the NBN.

Hack Tuesday April 9 2013: Listen to this recording of the ABC TripleJ radio show Hack and hear what Malcom Turnbull is planning if the Liberals get into power in 2013. A broadband network using copper wires instead of the Labour proposed fibre to the node that would use…

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