Very nice Windows 7 basic aero theme for Linux GTK apps.

This theme I found is a very nice GTK theme for your Linux machine. This themes your desktop computer to look like Windows 7 basic. With a non-transparent Windows 7 styled GTK look and Window borders. Download the theme here. This is what this theme looks like. It is…

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Control which GTK theme a specific application uses on Linux.

This post will show you how to open a certain GTK application, like Gedit or Firefox, and force it to use a certain GTK theme. This example uses the Gedit editor. I am opening the editor using the BlackMATE theme. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ env GTK_THEME="BlackMATE" /usr/bin/pluma   (pluma:5423):…

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How to install a lovely Windows 7 GTK theme on Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

A lovely GTK theme that emulates the look of Windows 7. I have just found a very good Windows 7 GTK theme: This is a lovely GTK theme that makes your MATE or Gnome 2.32.2 interface look just like the Windows 7 Basic theme. Windows Vista icon theme:….

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More lovely GTK themes for Linux and Android desktops.

GTK themes . Vertex. Vertex is a theme for GTK 3, GTK 2, Gnome-Shell and Cinnamon. It supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, XFCE, Budgie, Pantheon, etc. Ceti 2. The GTK3 theme supports Gnome 3.8, 3.10 and 3.12, but the Gnome…

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Lovely GTK themes for the Linux Mint MATE desktop.

Some lovely desktop themes for MATELovely Linux wallpapersLinux Mint icon themesLinux cursor themes Some lovely desktop themes for MATE Flat Plat. A nice material design flat theme for Gnome Shell. This is a gorgeous look for your desktop. Curvylooks theme for the Gnome and MATE desktops. This theme is…

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Lovely GTK themes for your Linux Mint and Ubuntu desktop.

Some lovely GTK themes and wallpapers for your Linux desktop. MediterraneanNight Series 2.03: Themes Collection (Ubuntu/Linux Mint): A huge theme collection for Ubuntu and Linux Mint. GNOME Shell: Nord 1.8: A very popular Gnome Shell theme. Mintyfresh Cinnamon-theme 0.3: A lovely green Cinnamon theme. Malys Inversio:…

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Ubuntu 9.10 Human theme for GTK 3.0

This is a good theme for your modern Ubuntu or Linux Mint desktop, a version of the Human theme for GTK 3.0: This is a perfect theme to make your Ubuntu desktop look like the old Ubuntu 8.10 releases. Here is another lovely GTK 3.0 theme, Dorian: A…

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More awesome GTK and WM themes for your Linux desktop.

Window manager themes. RISC styled WM theme for Xfce4: GTK themes. Mac OS Classic theme for Xfce4: Mac OS classic GTK2 theme: Plane GTK: Classic 95 Windows `95 theme for MATE and Gnome: How to create a look-alike Windows XP desktop using IceWM: Windows…

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The best GTK themes and wallpapers for your Ubuntu or Linux Mint desktop.

GTK Themes. Zukitwo: A very good GTK theme for Gnome Shell and MATE. DeLorean-Dark — Gnome 3.4 & 3.6:–+Gnome+3.4+%26+3.6?content=153866. DarkMint: Piratunbu theme 6.0: A pirate themed look for Ubuntu. reNIX (for Unity and GS): A squared theme for Unity and Gnome Shell. Win2-7 Remix:….

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Cool new themes for the Ubuntu and Linux Mint desktops.

These themes that you can download from theme the toolbars in Nautilus and make it much more attractive. These are very good themes to use with the MATE desktop as well. Zoncolor themes for Ubuntu and MATE. These are very customisable themes for your Linux desktop. Ubuntu…

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Some very good Gnome Shell themes for Ubuntu and Linux Mint 15. Nord Gnome Shell theme, now compatible with Gnome 3.6. LittleBigMod Gnome Shell 3.6 theme. A very good and sleek theme. London Smoke theme for Gnome Shell 3.4. Malys theme for Gnome Shell 3.4.1. Another quality theme for your Linux desktop. Darkair Gnome Shell theme. A…

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Useful Linux links and information for users of all Linux distributions. Some very useful and attractive themes and wallpapers for Linux Mint MATE and other desktops. How to install a Windows 7 Basic styled theme for the MATE desktop. how to install a Windows 8 Metacity theme for the Gnome and MATE desktops. This one is really good….

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Lovely icon themes for your Linux Mint gnome desktop.

OSX Nostalgie: This icon theme is a copy of the default icon theme for Macintosh OSX. Faenza: This is the highest rated icon theme on the Gnome Look website. Win2-7: The Windows 7 transformation pack for Gnome. This will make your Linux desktop look like Windows 7….

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TRON Legacy GDM theme. A nice addition to any Linux computer.

TRON Legacy GDM theme: This will also work with MDM in Linux Mint 15. TRON Legacy Gnome Shell theme: This theme is very reminiscent of the theme that the computer uses in the movie. You need to install the User Themes extension to load this theme. TRON Legacy…

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Cool GTK and Metacity theme to make MATE look like CDE.

GTK MATE theme: This is a lovely grey theme that themes the GTK interface to look like CDE. The Metacity theme that completes the CDE look: This is perfect if you want a retro-looking Linux Mint 15 MATE desktop. Blue Sun GTK theme: This is a very…

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Chocolate GTK theme for MATE. A lovely Linux Mint 15 theme.

Chocolate GTK theme: This is a beautiful chocolate colored theme for Linux Mint 15 MATE. Your desktop will look quite original with this theme installed, download this today and make your desktop look even better.

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Awesome GTK themes for Linux Mint 15. Some even better themes for Linux desktops.

Some awesome themes for the Linux Mint 15 MATE desktop. Numix: This is a very nice flat theme for MATE that is very monochome and stylish. Clearlooks Phenix: This is a GTK 3 port of the venerable Clearlooks theme. Holo: This is a very good theme that…

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