Ubuntu Unity desktop still very annoying compared to MATE.

The Ubuntu Unity desktop environment is very annoying compared to the MATE alternative. I keep getting notifications that an app has stopped working, like Redshift, and then it loads it up again and it is running twice. Why does this even happen? With the MATE desktop environment, it is very…

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How to create thumbnails of dds files in Ubuntu or Mint.

Thumbnailing for the DirectDraw Surface file format is not supported in Linux with the Caja file manager, but this is easy to fix. The /usr/share/thumbnailers/ directory contains all of the thumbnailer files that automatically create thumbnails in the file manager for Caja. Just create a file named dds.thumbnailer and put…

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Older Ubuntu versions were so comfortable to use.

The Ubuntu 5.04 distribution was a very comfortable desktop environment. Using Gnome 2, it was very fast and reliable. Now we have MATE, but I miss the simplicity of the older Ubuntu releases, Ubuntu 13.04 was very bad, but now it is picking up again, even though the Systemd init…

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What I do like about the Gnome Shell desktop on Ubuntu 18.04.

I do like some elements of the Gnome Shell desktop environment. The progress indicator in the title bar of the file manager is one. This shows the progress of file copying operations while the user is doing other things. A very good idea that should have been implemented a long…

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Ubuntu 17.10 alpha with Gnome desktop released.

The new Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) distribution has been released. This comes with a Gnome desktop instead of the Unity environment. The desktop environment in this looks just like Unity though. Where is the benefit of using a Gnome desktop if it looks exactly like Unity anyway? This is how…

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Latest Linux Mint Mate themes for your Linux desktop.

Very nice Linux Mint MATE themes. There are some nice MATE themes in this archive for Ubuntu, that will work with any Linux distribution using the MATE desktop. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/ubuntu-mate-artwork_16.04.7.tar.xz. This is a very nice theme for your desktop indeed. Just extract the themes in the archive to your ~/.themes directory….

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How to make the title bars in Gnome Shell much thinner than the default.

The title bars in the Gnome Shell desktop environment by default are much too thick. This simple code sample will make them thinner. Just create this file. ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css Then put this code into it. Updated for Gnome Shell on Ubuntu 18.04. # Gnome 3 – based on https://blog.samalik.com/make-your-gnome-title-bars-smaller/ .header-bar.default-decoration {…

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Install the arc Gnome shell GTK3 theme on Fedora 25.

The arc Gnome Shell theme is a very nice theme for the Gnome Shell desktop. This is how to install this theme on Fedora 25. Firstly, download the theme this way. [jason@darkstar Desktop]$ git clone https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme.git Cloning into ‘arc-theme’… remote: Counting objects: 10466, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done….

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Evolution of operating system menus from early Gnome to Gnome Shell.

The early Gnome desktop is quite interesting, it had a Windows styled menu with a easy to use taskbar. https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~bobk/gnome/1.2/gnome-1.2-menu02.png. Source: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~bobk/gnome/. This is the old Gnome 1.0 configuration application. Very dated indeed, this is when they had Enlightenment as the Window Manager of Gnome. Although you could use Sawfish…

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Gnome Shell Linux interface in Justin Beiber music video.

This music video features a Macintosh iMac PC with the Gnome Shell Linux interface. This is used as the main screen where the girl is typing on a notepad and then ripping the pages off the screen. This is an interesting place to see the Gnome Shell Linux desktop environment….

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Some modern themes for your Linux desktop.

Themes This blog post: http://jfnlinuxproject.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/windows-10-theme.html has a list of links and screenshots that show a themed desktop that looks roughly like Windows 10. This does need more work. But I am sure that you could make a Linux desktop resemble Windows 10 if you so wished. In time, there will…

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New GTK themes for 2015. Make Linux look awesome.

More awesome GTK themes and wallpapers for 2015. Gnome themes. Ceti-2: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ceti-2+-+Theme?content=167528. Plane GTK 3.6: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Plane-Gtk3.6?content=156309. Ultra-Flat: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ultra-Flat?content=167473. Malys-Unisex: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/malys+-+uniSEX+?content=149602. Cinnamon themes. Zukitwo: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Zukitwo-Cinnamon?content=161734. New Minty: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/New-Minty?content=161698. Icon themes. Evolvere icon theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Evolvere+Icon+theme?content=164338. Wallpapers. Dead space wallpaper, creepy monster: http://4walled.cc/show-1364323. Giant world engine eating a planet: http://4walled.cc/show-1348020. Very cold looking…

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Linux desktop has not changed much in ten years.

The Linux desktop has really not changed much in ten years of development. There are the new Gnome Shell and Unity desktops, but simpler alternatives like Gnome flashback are available that emulate the look of the classic two toolbar Gnome desktop environment. This desktop pictured above is the Fedora Core…

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Some Linux desktop screenshots from the old days of Linux.

This website has some awesome screen-shots of old Linux desktops from 1999. This really takes me back, Linux and UNIX desktops in the olden days looked a lot different than they do now, it is good news that the Common Desktop Environment or CDE is now available for Debian. I…

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How to setup Ubuntu 13.10 with a better desktop environment. Better than Unity.

How to setup Ubuntu 13.10 with a proper desktop environment. I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 and I had to update the package repositories. This is essential to install software. homer@deusvult:~/Documents$ sudo apt-get updatehomer@deusvult:~/Documents$ sudo apt-get update After this I could install the initial set of packages to setup my system….

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Some very good Gnome Shell themes for Ubuntu and Linux Mint 15.

http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GNOME+Shell%3A+Nord?content=142971. Nord Gnome Shell theme, now compatible with Gnome 3.6. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/LittleBigMod_2nd?content=152088. LittleBigMod Gnome Shell 3.6 theme. A very good and sleek theme. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/London+Smoke+-+Gnome-Shell?content=142426. London Smoke theme for Gnome Shell 3.4. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/malys+-++GS?content=142262. Malys theme for Gnome Shell 3.4.1. Another quality theme for your Linux desktop. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Darkair+%28+3.4%2B3.6%2B3.8%2B3.9.2%29?content=156215. Darkair Gnome Shell theme. A…

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