Some very useful Gnome 3 tips for Linux users.

Use the Gnome favorites barUse a blue light filter for GnomeSet GTK 3.0 theme with command line Use the Gnome favorites bar To add applications to the favorites bar on the left of the screen in Gnome 3, just right click on any application icon in the applications menu and…

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Fedora 16 screencast recording & Windows XP outdated.

I have had problems trying to record a screencast for Gnome Shell 3.2.1, the top and bottom panels disappear when I activate the recordmydesktop command to record the desktop to a file. I have found a solution linked below that should work and allow me to record a nice video…

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The missing parts of Gnome 3/Gnome Shell.

The Gnome configuration GUI seen in Gentoo that Gnome 3 is missing.Sure the Gnome 3 desktop with some additions is very nice indeed, it is my preferred Linux desktop now, over Lxde & Fluxbox. I have some additions that make the desktop look like the Gnome 2 desktop of old,…

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Fedora 17 Gnome 3 desktop to enable software rendering.

Fedora 17 will have a Gnome 3 desktop that will support software rendering as well as keeping support for 3D hardware, this will enable use of the new Gnome interface on older machines that do not include support for hardware rendered interfaces, which the current build of Gnome 3 certainly…

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Windows 8 vs Gnome 3/Shell.

The Windows 8 interface will be the much talked about Metro design, and like it or not it will be the default when you start up your Windows 8 box. Applications started in Windows 8 will keep on running after you have “closed” them until they are needed again. This…

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Linux Mint moving to Gnome 3.

The Linux Mint distribution is switching to the Gnome 3 desktop after all of this time. Sure they are keeping the Gnome 2 desktop environment, but they are implementing the MATE fork of the Gnome 2 desktop, that will be trying to keep the familiar Gnome 2 desktop that everyone…

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Fedora 15 is an excellent Linux distribution.

After using the excellent Gnome 3 desktop in Fedora core 15, I am really starting to enjoy it. Mostly due to the fact that suspend works perfectly and I can just put my machine to sleep and then wake it up straight back to my Gnome desktop ready for another…

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Fedora 15 Gnome 3 desktop.

The Fedora 15 Gnome desktop is very different to the earlier Gnome 2 desktop environment. After I installed the distribution, I had to change the /etc/hosts file to allow the Midnight Commander to load, as the hostname was not correctly defined in /etc/hosts. The settings below are what I had…

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Gnome 3 desktop in Debian Testing/Sid.

Gnome 3 has just made it into Debian experimental with version 3.0 packages available, but once you have installed this you will have great problems getting back to Gnome 2.32, so it is not recommended to install this until the packages are perfected and the panel applets such as the…

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