TRS-80 Computers were the best.

The Radio Shack TRS-80 computer shown here is the first computer I ever used. It has a massive 4K of RAM, upgradeable to 16K, a cassette tape drive using standard audio cassettes with programs on them such as games and utilities as well as a monochrome monitor and of course…

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New Gentoo based Linux distribution available.

New Gentoo based Linux distribution There is a new Gentoo based Linux distribution. This is called Clover OS. It comes with a basic TWM desktop window manager and is very fast to boot. No SystemD bloat. The Live CD will load a default TWM desktop. But there are options after…

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Installing Gentoo on a laptop. My experiences with this distro.

I have just installed Gentoo hardened Linux on my laptop. This distribution is far more hands-on than Ubuntu and Linux Mint, but it was enjoyable to install. I have not built and installed a desktop environment yet, I am just using the framebuffer console and this suits me fine. Once…

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Cool Linux tricks and hacks for the desktop and server user.

Using the shellshock bash bug on an iMac. iMac04:~ admin$ env VAR1=’me() {echo "hello"}\ ‘ /bin/echo "hello" helloiMac04:~ admin$ env VAR1=’me() {echo "hello"}\ ‘ /bin/echo "hello" hello Getting free hard disk space easily. iMac04:~ admin$ df -Hla Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on /dev/disk0s2 89G 64G…

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Windows Powershell not as good as BASH shell and other thoughts.

It is really amazing that the new Windows Powershell is moving Windows Administrators back towards the command-line instead of using the GUI for everything. Powershell has some very good features; but the difficulty I have experienced installing extra cmdlets is very grating indeed. It is better to use the BASH…

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Copying an Ubuntu kernel to a Gentoo installation

I have had someone come to my website looking for help on how to copy an Ubuntu kernel over to a Gentoo installation. This is not too hard to do. Let us say the kernel is version 2.6.35-14-generic. Then you will need to copy the /lib/modules/2.6.35-14-generic folder into the /lib/modules…

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