Some very useful Linux bash functions.

Show a preview of a directory as you cd into it. c() { cd "$@" ls_truncate=20 files=$(ls -F -C –color=always) files_num=$(echo "$files" | wc -l) echo "$files" | head -n $ls_truncate [ $(echo "$files" | wc -l) -gt "$ls_truncate" ] && echo "(Ommited $((files_num-$ls_truncate)) files/directories)" }c() { cd "$@" ls_truncate=20…

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More awesome shell tricks for the Linux command line. This is using the bash shell.

This is another way to see where you are in the directory stack. homer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo $DIRSTACK ~/Documents/basenewhomer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo $DIRSTACK ~/Documents/basenew Here is another way to show the $PWD value one directory down from where you are now. homer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo $OLDPWD /home/homer/Documentshomer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo…

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Running a command within another program. How to do this with C.

This code snippet will run the date command. The execl() function is very useful for executing a command within your C program.You replace the NULL identifiers with any extra arguments to pass to the program. I prefer this over the system() function. #include <unistd.h>   int main(void) {   execl("/bin/date",…

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