New Jxl image format to take over the Internet.

The new successor to the jpeg image format is called jxl, this allows much higher compression than Jpeg and would be awesome for websites with a lot of images. I found a nice resolution png image and I converted it to webp. This gave me a 55 kilobyte image, compressed…

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How to format a drive to NTFS using the terminal in Ubuntu.

To format a drive to NTFS using Ubuntu, we need to use the terminal. The command used to create a filesystem on a drive is used here. But you must unmount the drive first, otherwise it will not work. 4.4 Thu Dec 20 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdf6 1)…

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How to format a new Linux partition with the command line.

This is how to format a hard disk partition that will hold data for your Linux system. The partition must be unmounted before formatting, but this is the ideal way to create a file-system on a new partition that has been created with fdisk. root@jason-desktop:~# mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext4dev root@jason-desktop:~# mkfs.ext4…

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How to format a partition in Linux. This is very easy.

Formatting a partition in Linux is very easy when you use the mkfs command. In this example I am formatting a 35 gigabyte partition with an EXT4 file-system. I am intending to try out a Linux From Scratch build and I want to have a dedicated partition to build this…

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How to encode a video to webm format and use it as a GIF replacement.

This is how to encode a video to webm format without sound to create a GIF replacement. The ffmpeg utility allows encoding a video in different formats. This is the perfect command for encoding a good quality webm video. ffmpeg -i gzdoom_2012_11_04_20_34_10_391.avi -ss 00:01:00.000 -to 00:01:20.000 \ -codec:v libvpx -quality…

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Some miscellaneous BASH tricks. Useful tips for all Linux users.

This command shows how to display a listing of files with ls and show line numbers at the same time. homer@deep-thought ~/Desktop/Site % ls | nl 1 back.jpg 2 bejiitas_phpb1 3 bejiitas_phpb1.sql 4 cgi-bin 5 Files.tar.lzma 6 7 my2.tar.lzma 8 program.c 9 quake38.jpg 10 sysinfo 11 12 wrap.rarhomer@deep-thought…

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