Renaming folders with a loop in bash is easy.

Renaming folders is very easy. I have a folder with subdirectories named from 1 to 9. And I wish to rename them folder1 to folder9. This can be easily done with bash. This example will take care of this problem easily. 4.4 Fri Jan 31 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ for i…

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Setting defaults for new users on a Linux system.

Setting defaults for new users on a Linux system To set defaults for new users on your Linux system, the /etc/skel folder will come into play. You may place the .bash_profile, .bashrc & .bash_logout files that set defaults for the user such as the BASH shell prompt, and the logout…

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Moving folders to your home directory.

I recently had to move some folders to my home directory on my Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 installation as the root user and I then had to change the ownership of the folders and the files within to my current user. For example, I copied the ~/.themes folder to my home…

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