How to change the default window manager on OpenBSD.

I am using OpenBSD, and I do not like the default Window Manager used by the operating system. I installed the Fluxbox Window Manager and I had to tell X11 to load it instead of the default. I did it like this. Install the Xorg packages during installation, then you…

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How to add a custom menu to Fluxbox to list your favorite applications.

Adding a custom menu to Fluxbox is very easy, this is how. The default ~/.fluxbox/fluxbox-menu file looks like this, it reads the /etc/X11/fluxbox/fluxbox-menu file to create the root menu for Fluxbox. [begin] (fluxbox)   [include] (/etc/X11/fluxbox/fluxbox-menu) [end][begin] (fluxbox) [include] (/etc/X11/fluxbox/fluxbox-menu) [end] But if you add a simple submenu to it…

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Fluxbox window manager.

Just finished rewriting the kernel compilation page on my website to give instructions for building a vanilla kernel source package on Debian Squeeze. This needed to be done, the information there was dated and needed to be replaced. Having up to date information is a good way to keep your…

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