How to fix Firefox addons that have been disabled by incompetent Mozilla developers.

Use this setting in about:config to fix this issue for now. xpinstall.signatures.required   xpinstall.whitelist.requiredxpinstall.signatures.required xpinstall.whitelist.required That’s it. Now go and reinstall / reconfigure those addons. And for anyone on Firefox who hasn’t hit the issue yet, still do it, because you will eventually. Also, leave that drokking setting as false…

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How to manipulate Xorg windows with a terminal command.

The Windows in an Xorg session may easily be manipulated with this simple utility. Xdotool. This is a terminal utility to manage Xorg windows. Firstly, install this simple utility. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install xdotooljason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install xdotool Then we can resize a MATE Terminal window. xdotool search –onlyvisible –classname…

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How to get uBlock Origin working with Firefox 55.

The current version of Firefox 55 broke uBlock Origin. To get it working again, install the version of uBlock from the development channel. Scroll down the bottom of this page and select the development channel button. This gets it working again instantly. This is the thing with free software,…

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Firefox tips and tricks for habitual Internet users.

To open the Firefox developer tools, press Ctrl-Shift-K. This is good if you have Firebug installed, as F12 will open it instead. To take a full-page screenshot of a web site, press Shift-F2 and then type this command and hit press ENTER. screenshot –fullpagescreenshot –fullpage This will be saved in…

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Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing.

Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing. The Firefox web browser truly is a very good and safe browser for everyday use, but with the addition of some extensions, the browsing experience can be made even more secure. Firstly, the Noscript extension is the best and most useful extension…

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Securing your Facebook profile.

These are the cookies stored on my machine that Facebook has stored on my computer without me knowing. This happens because a website has put the Facebook Like button on their page, then Facebook can track you and see what browsing you are doing after you leave your Facebook session….

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