What is the future of Mozilla? Where is Firefox heading?

What is the future of Mozilla? I was the one who originally asked why they didn’t answer Electron. I agree that being funded by Google is not the problem. But Mozilla needs to consider what its “core mission” is. And they are: their focus is shifting to offering services. They…

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Browser security in 2022 is still not perfect.

My Waterfox Classic installation is becoming increasingly broken because of not updating it in a very long time, and since I’m pretty much forced to upgrade I decided to take some time to analyze what the new version is doing since everything that’s happened with it has made me a…

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A good tip to speed up the Firefox UI easily on Ubuntu 20.04.

The Firefox UI on Ubuntu 20.04 was very slow for some reason. But this trick was a good way to help speed it back up. Go into about:config and then set the value below to true and then restart the browser. gfx.webrender.force-disabledgfx.webrender.force-disabled This seems to have sped it up greatly….

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How to have less padding in the menu area of Firefox 92.

This userChrome.css sample will reduce the padding betwixt menu sections in the Firefox 92 User Interface. userChrome.css1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /* Do not remove the @namespace line — it’s required for correct functioning */ /*@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");*/   @media (-moz-proton) { /* Tighten…

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How to have a much wider scrollbars in Firefox on Debian.

The scrollbars on Firefox are very narrow and annoying, but this may be fixed. This is how to get wider scrollbars in Firefox when using Linux. The best way is to edit the about:config and then look for this entry. widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-sizewidget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-size Change this to 1.50 and this makes the scrollbar…

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How to download a video blob easily from a website.

Downloading a video blob from a website can be very frustrating. This is easier with the Download Helper extension for Firefox. This can make this task very easy. When you are on a website that hasthe video you want, click the Download Helper icon and find the format and resolution…

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How to fix the annoying narrow Firefox scrollbar on Ubuntu.

The Firefox scrollbar is very narrow on Ubuntu. This is very annoying. But since I am using the MATE desktop and GTK 3.0, I can fix this easily. Add this line to the ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini file, and this will force Firefox to use the scrollbar defined by the theme instead. gtk-primary-button-warps-slider=falsegtk-primary-button-warps-slider=false…

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