More very useful Linux tricks and tips.

If you wish to find files larger than a certain size on a Linux hard disk, this is a very useful tip. This uses backticks to feed the output of the find command as a parameter to ls. This allows listing the few largest files in a directory. ┌──[[email protected]]─[/media/jason/More Media]…

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Searching for words in random data. This is very interesting.

I have found a nice method of searching randomly generated data for certain words. This takes a while but can bear fruit in the end. Here is an example, this is searching through the /dev/urandom file and then finding an instance of the word “linux”. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ time tr -cd [:lower:]…

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Good ways to find files in your home directory.

Finding files in your home directory is very easy. The command below will search inside all files in your home directory and find all files that contain the text “linux”. find . -type f -exec grep -niH linux ‘{}’ ‘;’find . -type f -exec grep -niH linux ‘{}’ ‘;’ This…

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Advanced file listing tricks for Linux.

How to do various file listing tricks on Linux to find various files. Get a listing of all files in /bin that contain the letters ‘ls’ and output the file details. 4.4 Tue Mar 05 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ find /bin -type f -name ‘*ls*’ -ls 3933382 132 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root…

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Finding files with the Linux command line. Using find & locate.

Finding files with the Linux command line. Using find & locate The find command on Linux is very useful for finding commands on your Linux installation. In the example below, I am using wild-cards to look for all the c source files in a certain folder. neo@deusexmachina:~/Documents$ find -name "*.c"…

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Russian cybercafe webcam, and how to find more webcams online.

To find cool webcams with the Google search engine, use this Google search term. inurl" /view/index.shtmlinurl" /view/index.shtml This is an example I found, this is a Russian cybercafe. Russian cybercafe. This is another search term. intext:”MOBOTIX M10″ intext:”Open Menu”intext:”MOBOTIX M10″ intext:”Open Menu” This is one cam I found with…

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Use the find command in Linux to look for multiple file types at once.

The Linux find command is useful for finding files on your Linux system. It is possible to look for more than one file type. This example will search for all text and png files under the /usr/share directory. jason@neo:/usr/share$ find -regex ‘.*txt\|.*png’jason@neo:/usr/share$ find -regex ‘.*txt\|.*png’ This example will search for…

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How to search for files on a Windows machine with the command line. And some other useful tricks.

This command will search a directory recursively to find files matching a pattern. C:\Users\Homer>where /R C:\Users\homer\Documents *.txt C:\Users\Homer\Documents\age-of-ultron-script-outline.txt C:\Users\Homer\Documents\windows10key.txt C:\Users\Homer\Documents\Downloads\Linux The Complete Manual 2nd Edition (TRUE PDF)\Torrent downloaded from C:\Users\Homer\Documents\Downloads\Linux The Complete Manual 2nd Edition (TRUE PDF)\Torrent Downloaded From C:\Users\Homer\Documents\Downloads\Linux The Complete Manual 2nd Edition (TRUE PDF)\tracked_by_h33t_com.txt C:\Users\Homer\Documents\Downloads\Linux…

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A good utility for finding all executables in a given path.

Finding all executables in a given path is easy if you use the lsx utility. Firstly install the required packages. jason@eyjafjallajkull:~$ sudo apt-get install suckless-tools [sudo] password for jason: Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Suggested packages: dwm stterm surf The following NEW packages will…

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How to find files on the Linux filesystem.

The find command is very useful for locating files on your Linux filesystem. Below is an example of wildcards to locate files in the /boot directory. ubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ sudo find /boot -name "vm*" /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-44-genericubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ sudo find /boot -name "vm*" /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-44-generic Here I am searching the whole / filesystem for a set…

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How to find the Ubuntu version using the command line terminal.

The lsb_release -a command will print the Ubuntu version to the terminal. This is how you find out information about your Ubuntu installation. ubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trustyubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor…

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How to find a file with the Linux command line.

The Linux command line is very useful for finding files, the find command is the best way to locate files on your filesystem. This is a simple example. knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ sudo find /proc -name "meminfo" /proc/meminfoknoppix@Microknoppix:~$ sudo find /proc -name "meminfo" /proc/meminfo Use the -maxdepth parameter to only search a certain…

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