How to find files on the Linux filesystem.

The find command is very useful for locating files on your Linux filesystem. Below is an example of wildcards to locate files in the /boot directory. ubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ sudo find /boot -name "vm*" /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-44-genericubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ sudo find /boot -name "vm*" /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-44-generic Here I am searching the whole / filesystem for a set…

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Sony pictures servers compromised and files stolen.

Sony pictures serves were recently hacked and some files were stolen. Apparently, there was a single folder named “Passwords” and this contained all of the files that were stolen. Apparently a DVDrip of the movie Fury was downloaded as well as countless passwords and other files. 47,000 social security numbers…

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How to use SFTP on Linux and copy files easily.

This video shows how to use the SFTP command on Linux and transfer files easily. How to use sftp to retrieve files from a remote Linux server securely. Copy a file from one UNIX/Linux machine to another using the sftp utility. How to upload files to your Amazon…

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How to scan your Kali Linux system for security vulnerabilities using the lynis tool.

The lynis tool for Kali Linux allows you to scan your computer system for security vulnerabilities. Execute this command as root and this will allow you to find out if you have any problems with your installation. root@kali:/home/homer# lynis –check-all   [ Lynis 1.4.1 ]   ################################################################################ Lynis comes with…

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Very useful .cshrc file that will also work with the tcsh shell.

Very useful .cshrc file that will also work with the tcsh shell on Linux and UNIX. This gives you a nice prompt and a lovely colored ls output. This .cshrc file requires a .complete file for proper functioning, this is available here: # /etc/csh.login: This file contains login defaults…

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Filesonic file-sharing service forced to stop sharing.

“In the wake of the Megaupload takedown, Filesonic has elected to take preventative measures against a similar fate. The front page and all files now carry the following message: ‘All sharing functionality on FileSonic is now disabled. Our service can only be used to upload and retrieve files that you…

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RSS Feed fixed.

I have replaced the files in the Twenty Ten theme with my own index.php and associated files and did some PHP hacking and the feed is working! I wish I knew about this before, but the thread here: gave me this idea.

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Viewing crontab and a backup script.

This is a command that will list the contents of your crontab file if you have one. You need to use the sudo command as unprivileged users are not allowed to list the contents of this folder. The best way to view the contents of your crontab file is to…

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