Ubuntu is very good for working with multimedia files.

The Ubuntu Linux distribution is very good for working with multimedia files. I insert a flash drive with an AVCHD file on it and it is automatically opened as a folder. This makes it very easy to extract the video files inside. This is even more convenient than on Mac…

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Very interesting shell scripting example.

This simple shell script will pick a random sentence from a text file. This is made up of multiple sentences from parts of the text file merged into one long sentence. words.sh1 2 3 4 5 #!/bin/sh   numwords=$(shuf -i 14-88 -n 1) words=$(shuf -n $numwords 122-0.txt | cut -d$”…

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How to view and open a chm file on Linux easily.

Opening and reading chm files on Linux is very easy, they are compressed archives and can be opened with 7zip. This is how to extract a chm file on Linux with 7zip. Then open the index.html file in Firefox to view the contents easily. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/kabylakeplatform_3_7_9/KabylakePlatSamplePkg/Docs$ 7z x PlatApi.chm 7-Zip [64]…

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Play a movie from one Linux machine with MPV over a network with SSHFS.

SSH is amazing in that it can allow a user to access the resources of one machine from another over the network. But with fast gigabit Ethernet connections these days, playing movies from one machine from another is now possible. Install SSHFS on your machine. jason@jason-desktop:~/remote$ sudo apt install sshfsjason@jason-desktop:~/remote$…

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Read a file from the Internet directly into VIM.

The VI text editor is a very flexible text editor. This can read from STDIN, and this makes it very good to use in a script. But you can also read a file from the Internet. This works in concert with the wget utility. The wget -O- -q command reads…

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Some very useful VIM tricks for the Linux/UNIX user.

VIM is a very useful and versatile editor for Linux. This is how to use it to its full potential. Some great VIM tricks to help for a Linux user or programmer. To read the output of a command into a text file, use the :r command in the command…

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Various tricks with C on Linux.

There are various tricks for programming on Linux. One useful trick is to open a file for reading with C. This is how to do this. The “r” option for fopen() will read the file into memory. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h>   int main(void) { FILE *f; char buf[256];  …

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Convert a MIDI file to OGG in the best quality possible.

To convert a MIDI file to OGG on Linux, use the LMMS music-making application. Import a MIDI file by opening the Import menu. This is the Project->Import menu option. Then export the MIDI file to an OGG format file with default settings. This will create a very high-quality rendering of…

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How to open AVCHD files on Mac and export clips.

When you are faced with a AVCHD file on Mac, it can be confusing on how to export the clips to separate files, but this is easy. Open the file in Quicktime player, as shown above, then select the clip you wish to view, and it will open the selected…

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Microsoft Windows 10 updates still an embarrassment.

Microsoft have been plagued by many issues regarding the quality control and testing within the organisation. The main problem is that there are different testing teams for each section of the operating system, and this has lead to problems slipping through the cracks into mainstream releases. This has caused a…

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How to disable the annoying thumbs.db files in Windows.

The thumbs.db file in Windows is used to cache thumbnails for picture files in the file explorer, but this is a pain when the user wants to delete a folder and the thumbs.db prevents this. But there is a way to fix this, without needing to reboot. Open the Group…

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What I do like about the Gnome Shell desktop on Ubuntu 18.04.

I do like some elements of the Gnome Shell desktop environment. The progress indicator in the title bar of the file manager is one. This shows the progress of file copying operations while the user is doing other things. A very good idea that should have been implemented a long…

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