How to use FFmpeg to merge multiple videos side by side.

Use FFmpeg to merge multiple videos in a collage Merging multiple videos side by side is easy with FFmpeg. The FFmpeg example below will merge three videos together side by side. The resulting video will not end until the longest video clip ends. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7…

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How to make a spectrogram with FFmpeg on Linux. This is very cool.

Making a spectrogram with FFmpeg on Linux is very easy. The FFmpeg utility is the best way to accomplish this task. This simple command will render a spectrogram of the audio file. This can be very interesting if the music file contains hidden information in the audio. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5/Music/Rap] └─$…

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How to use FFmpeg to get a slow-motion video clip.

Making a slow-motion clip from a video can be very useful to show off what is happening in a certain scene. The example below will make a slow-motion clip from a video file. This would be another very useful FFmpeg tip. > ffmpeg -i qS_lu5dKo9A2qoNW.mp4 -c:v libvpx -b:v 3200k -filter:v…

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Interesting FFmpeg effect.

This is a very interesting emboss and sepia effect for FFmpeg. ffmpeg -i NOLm_Ambowide2_1207.mp4 -vf "curves=vintage,convolution=-2 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 1 2:-2 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 1 2:-2 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 1 2:-2 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 1 2" ambo.mp4ffmpeg -i…

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How to properly brighten a video file with FFmpeg.

Making a video file brighter is very easy, this can be done with FFmpeg. The curves filter can easily brighten a video file without causing much degradation at all. Use this example to make a video file a bit brighter and it will still be the same quality. ffmpeg -i…

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More fun with FFmpeg. How to reverse video colors in interesting ways.

FFmpeg allows interesting video manipulation. This includes inverting the colours of video files. The example below will invert the colours of a video file. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Videos/titles] └──╼ ╼ $ ffmpeg -i zombiestrain.avi -vf lutrgb="r=negval:g=negval:b=negval" zomby.avi┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Videos/titles] └──╼ ╼ $ ffmpeg -i zombiestrain.avi -vf lutrgb="r=negval:g=negval:b=negval" zomby.avi This is an example of what this…

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How to get an excerpt from a video with FFmpeg.

Extracting an excerpt from a video is very useful, this is how to do it. The command below extracts an excerpt from a video at 00:00:05 to 00:00:15. This is scaled to 640×360 pixels and is good quality. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Videos] └──╼ ╼ $ ffmpeg -v 1 -i agropromfun.mp4 -ss 00:00:05 -to…

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Create a nice spectrum display of an audio file. This is very easy to do.

Creating a very nice spectrum display of an audio file is very simple to do. The FFmpeg utility is the best way to generate such a useful audio waveform demonstration. This command will generate a 2560×1080 resolution waveform display of the file underground_01.ogg ffplay -f lavfi ‘amovie=undergrnd_01.ogg, asplit [a][out1]; [a]…

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Feed a Youtube video into FFmpeg directly with youtube-dl.

Downloading a Youtube video with youtube-dl is pretty common, but it is also possible to feed it directly into FFmpeg using parameter expansion in bash. ┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Videos] └──╼ $ffmpeg -i $(youtube-dl -f 22 -g output.ts┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Videos] └──╼ $ffmpeg -i $(youtube-dl -f 22 -g output.ts This command will get a Youtube…

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