How to re-install the GRUB 2 boot-loader on Fedora Core Linux with the command line.

To re-install the bootloader for Fedora Core 19; you must first load into your Linux installation with a chroot. This post will explain this process. Then, once you are in the chroot environment, the following commands will re-install GRUB for you. root@neo homer# grub2-install /dev/sda Installation finished. No error…

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Fedora Silverblue a very safe and secure operating system.

Fedora Silverblue is using a very interesting feature. OSTree. This makes the operating system root filesystem read-only and the addition of software to the core operating system is something that can be rolled back at any time. This is rather like a Github repository. The underlying root filesystem is immutable…

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Some very useful Gnome 3 tips for Linux users.

Use the Gnome favorites barUse a blue light filter for GnomeSet GTK 3.0 theme with command line Use the Gnome favorites bar To add applications to the favorites bar on the left of the screen in Gnome 3, just right click on any application icon in the applications menu and…

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Fedora 30 is very annoying to use. But works fine in qemu.

I could not get the networking to work with Fedora 30. The kernel version is 5. This will not allow me to install the VMWare addons, the drivers will not compile. This is a problem. And every time I load the distribution I have to reset the desktop resolution. I…

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How to install a Linux version of the SGI UNIX desktop on Fedora 25.

I just installed the Linux version of the SGI desktop on my Fedora 25 Linux machine. This was not too hard either. Download a copy of the installation script from here: Run the script as root to download and install the MaXX desktop tarball. [root@localhost Downloads]# sh  …

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How to install KDE 4 on Fedora 25 easily.

Installing the KDE 4 desktop on Fedora 25 is very easy. There are package groups that allow installation of desktop environments. This is how to install the KDE desktop environment group. [root@localhost jason]# dnf install @kde-desktop-environment[root@localhost jason]# dnf install @kde-desktop-environment This command will fetch and install KDE 4 on Fedora….

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How to play a DVD on Fedora 25 with libdvdcss.

How to enable encrypted DVD playback on Fedora 25 Playing a DVD on Fedora 25 is not too difficult. I already had the extra repositories added to enable multimedia playback support, but I could not play a DVD. So I downloaded the libdvdcss library. Then I built and installed…

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Install the arc Gnome shell GTK3 theme on Fedora 25.

The arc Gnome Shell theme is a very nice theme for the Gnome Shell desktop. This is how to install this theme on Fedora 25. Firstly, download the theme this way. [jason@darkstar Desktop]$ git clone Cloning into ‘arc-theme’… remote: Counting objects: 10466, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done….

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Crack a Fedora 25 password with john the ripper easily. This is fun.

To crack a Fedora Core password hash easily, the john the ripper utility will come in handy. This allows cracking of Linux passwords without much fuss as long as the password is in the wordlist. Install the utility. [root@darkstar Documents]# dnf install john[root@darkstar Documents]# dnf install john Then it is…

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Just installed Fedora 25 to replace Ubuntu.

My hard drive with Ubuntu 16.10 failed, so I decided to install Fedora 25 instead. This Linux distribution has the advantage of NSA Selinux that greatly improves security. And the Gnome desktop is very fast and good looking to boot. Adding the RPMFusion repositories to Fedora allows the installation of…

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Search for a specific package with dnf on Fedora 22.

To find a specific package that offers a certain file, the whatprovides parameter to dnf will do what you wish. Here is an example, I am looking for all packages that provide the vim command. [jason@hackerbox Documents]$ dnf whatprovides "*/vim" Last metadata expiration check performed 26 days, 19:55:19 ago on…

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Install updates and install software on Fedora 22 Linux.

The new dnf command for Fedora 22 replaces the old yum command. But this new utility is still easy to use. To install all pending updates for Fedora 22, use this command. [root@localhost homer]# dnf update[root@localhost homer]# dnf update Use the dnf install command to install software. [root@localhost homer]# dnf…

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How to find a file with Linux using the command line.

The Linux command line offers useful tools that enable you to find files easily. The find command is one useful example. Here I am using the find command to look for all *.png files in a folder. homer@deusexmachina ~/Documents $ find /usr/share/backgrounds -name "*.png" /usr/share/backgrounds/linuxmint-petra/linux_mint_16.png /usr/share/backgrounds/linuxmint-petra/petra.png /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.pnghomer@deusexmachina ~/Documents $ find…

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How I got the ATI graphics working again with the 3.13 kernel on Fedora 20.

I recently updated to the 3.13 kernel on Fedora Core 20 and the 12.1 ATI drivers stopped working. I fixed this by downloading the 14.1 beta drivers which support that kernel. Download this here: This works perfectly for those Fedora 20 users like me who are also affected by…

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