Tech fails and funny Windows pictures.

This image is a photograph of an ATM machine that has Windows 7 installed, this machine requires Windows 7 activation… This is an Ethernet connection that is over 231 meters long. Far too long for a standard Ethernet connection. The maximum range of a cable is 100 meters according to…

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Malcom Turnbull and his failure on the NBN.

Hack Tuesday April 9 2013: Listen to this recording of the ABC TripleJ radio show Hack and hear what Malcom Turnbull is planning if the Liberals get into power in 2013. A broadband network using copper wires instead of the Labour proposed fibre to the node that would use…

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TSA Body Scanners worthless for finding hidden weapons.

Quoted from the website. These body scanners are an invasion of privacy and nothing more, they just want to expose people to dangerous radiation and provide an illusion of security. This video is here to demonstrate that the TSA’s insistence that the nude body scanner program is effective and necessary…

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Dick Smith Electronics selling used hard drives as new. Ooops.

Dick Smith Electronics, a major Australian retailer have been accused of selling used and malware infected hard drives as new, endangering the computers owned by consumers. In one instance a preacher bought an external hard drive and when he plugged it in he was greeted by a pornographic video. You…

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Sony corporation suffers another cyber attack.

Sony corporation has been hit by another Cyber Attack, with the accounts of 93,000 users compromised and Credit Card data possibly used to fleece the owners. This after Sony suffered the first embarrassing attack that compromised countless accounts. A Sony representative has advised that users accounts were locked down and…

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