Facebook to create the Snow Crash Metaverse in reality?

The Metaverse from the famous novel Snow Crash could be a reality, this is the plan of the Facebook CEO who wants to create a 3D rendered world to enable people to interact within this world. There are features such as Horizon Workrooms. This is a VR workroom that allows…

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Facebook leaked data is not new.

The leaked Facebook data is from 2019, this has been passed around for a long time before this became public. Many accounts may not even be in this, it is nearly 3 years old now. There are 105 countries in this, not 106. But the point is that the data…

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Facebook news ban not the end of the world.

The ban on news in your Facebook feed is not the end of the world. There are countless other news websites that have news and information about what is going on in your neighborhood. So losing news on a Social Media site is a small thing. I am sure you…

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The shocking truth about the NSA and FBI access to Microsoft products such as Skydrive and Hotmail online accounts.

A new report shows that ‪#‎Microsoft‬ offered the ‪#‎NSA‬ direct access to #Outlook.com, ‪#‎Skype‬, ‪#‎SkyDrive‬ accounts. Microsoft has denied the accusations – What do you think, is this true? http://news.softpedia.com/news/Microsoft-Offered-the-NSA-Direct-Access-to-Outlook-com-Skype-SkyDrive-Accounts-Report-367531.shtml. This could be true, this is part of the patriot Act and shows that the United States government does care…

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Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing.

Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing. The Firefox web browser truly is a very good and safe browser for everyday use, but with the addition of some extensions, the browsing experience can be made even more secure. Firstly, the Noscript extension is the best and most useful extension…

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Facebook shutdown rumor false.

The Facebook website will allegedly be shut down next year, according to the Weekly World News. If Mark Zuckerberg was having so much trouble running the popular social networking website, then he should be able to pay someone else to take over the reins and run the site. I would…

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Nostalgia post. Some cool things from the past.

A nostalgia post with some cool pictures from history This thread will be showcasing the awesome and not so awesome things that sprang up in the past. The Windows `95 operating system was one that came out of Redmond with the taskbar and icons on the desktop that continued relatively…

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Using Facebook & Twitter to gain more website visitors.

Using Facebook to spread the message about your blog or online project can be very effective if you have a lot of visitors to your profile, it is best to create a Facebook fan page linked on your profile that is dedicated to your website and then you can gain…

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Securing your Facebook profile.

These are the cookies stored on my machine that Facebook has stored on my computer without me knowing. This happens because a website has put the Facebook Like button on their page, then Facebook can track you and see what browsing you are doing after you leave your Facebook session….

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Blocking facebook tracking cookies.

With the passing of Steve Jobs, will Steve Wozniak be able to take up the reins and run the Apple corporation just as well as his partner? They built the company up into the huge corporation is is today from their garage and now that they are separated, Mr Wozniak…

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Facebook to be taken down on the 5 November?

A look at the fully-packed racks inside a Facebook data center facility. The unrest in London is continuing with no respect shown for the property and businesses that are looted and torched without no consideration for the damage caused to the formerly peaceful suburbs. But the cleanup is beginning and…

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London riots organised on Social Networking & Smartphones?

A man stands next to a burned-out van after riots on Tottenham High Road in London on Aug. 7, 2011. Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2087337,00.html#ixzz1UWHPRGRK The horrible violence in London, that has made the city look more like Iraq, has been blamed on Social Networking websites like Facebook and Twitter. Will this…

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Facebook rolling out Skype video chat.

The largest social networking website on the planet, Facebook will introduce Skype video chat into its social networking service that will enable the 750 million users of the popular website to connect with friends via video and not just with the wall posts and the pokes that have been the…

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