How to print a list of all ABC News articles with the Linux command line.

This one-liner will print a listing of all ABC News articles from the XML RSS feed. This is a very good way to extract text from an RSS feed or other XML files. curl -s | grep ‘media:description’ | awk -F "[<>]" ‘{print $3}’; echo "$desc"curl -s |…

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Playing around with old stalker versions.

I have been playing around with old Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl builds. Build 1935 and build 2571. Firstly, I looked at build 2571. I cannot run this, but it is fun to look inside the game files and see what is inside. I used this utility to extract the game…

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How to unpack a Live CD image on Linux.

Unpacking a Live CD on Linux is very easy, if the user wants the files within the Live disc and is running Linux. Firstly, install the 7zip software. sudo apt-get install p7zip-fullsudo apt-get install p7zip-full Now copy a Live CD ISO to an empty directory and run this command. 7z…

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How to extract an Arma 3 pbo file on Linux using pbo tools.

To extract an Arma 3 pbo file on Linux use the pbo tools that have been made available for Linux. Download the tarball here. This contains binaries that will work on 64bit Linux distributions. Updated link. Extract the contents of the bin directory to /usr/local/bin and the contents of…

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