Very annoying things that happen when using WordPress.

I hate it when a plugin author updates their plugin and upon updating it, you get a PHP error that prevents you from running your website, necessitating that you log into your Cpanel to fix the problem. That is great. Why can they not test the plugin first before deploying…

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How to get Steam running on Ubuntu 15.04 Linux.

I had problems getting Steam to run on Ubuntu 15.04, I would get this error. jason@darkstar:~$ steam Running Steam on ubuntu 15.04 64-bit STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically [2016-01-05 11:03:24] Startup – updater built Dec 14 2015 11:15:53 SteamUpdateUI: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter…

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How I fixed the Java out of memory issue on an Amazon AWS instance.

I was trying to get openmeetings working on an Amazon AWS instance today and I kept getting Java out of memory errors. I fixed this with this simple solution I found: This fixed my problem and allowed the java application to start with a limited amount of memory. Try…

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