Control which GTK theme a specific application uses on Linux.

This post will show you how to open a certain GTK application, like Gedit or Firefox, and force it to use a certain GTK theme. This example uses the Gedit editor. I am opening the editor using the BlackMATE theme. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ env GTK_THEME="BlackMATE" /usr/bin/pluma   (pluma:5423):…

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More awesome shell tricks for the Linux command line. This is using the bash shell.

This is another way to see where you are in the directory stack. homer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo $DIRSTACK ~/Documents/basenewhomer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo $DIRSTACK ~/Documents/basenew Here is another way to show the $PWD value one directory down from where you are now. homer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo $OLDPWD /home/homer/Documentshomer@deep-thought ~/Documents/basenew $ echo…

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