Arma Reforger is out now. This is a stress test game to test out the new Enfusion Engine before the Arma 4 game goes into production. But it runs very well. Framerates are better than with Arma 3 and the Enfusion engine does allow better detail in the map. Transitioning to swimming from walking…

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Get ready for the release of Arma Reforger / Arma 4 with these resources.

Arma Reforger / Arma 4 is due to release sometime tomorrow I hope. There are quite a few resources around concerning the DayZ Enscript scripting language that is used by the Enfusiontm Engine. Here is the scripting guide for Dayz. The syntax is rather like C# or C++, but…

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Windows 11 takes a bit of getting used to.

Windows 11 takes a bit of time to get used to. I am running this now instead of Windows 8.1 and this is quite strange. The context menu used for working with files has icons on the top for copy paste and other basic functions. This is very strange, but…

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