Trim a video with ffmpeg very easily.

How to properly trim out a section of video with ffmpeg This ffmpeg command will trim out a section of video from a long video file. This is how a clip is snipped out of a movie file easily. ffmpeg -i "baraka.mkv" -ss 00:14:59.691 -to 00:17:24.044 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow…

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Useful tips and tricks for the UNIX VIM editor.

When in command mode, press the u key to undo the last change to a file. Press U to undo last change(s) on a line. To open a file at a certain line, start it like this: vim +567 file.txt. This will open the file file.txt on line 567. Using…

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New Brackets editor for Windows and Linux. Well worth checking out.

The new brackets editor by Adobe is another good software package that is also available for Linux. With syntax highlighting and project management; this is a very good new editor for writing HTML and other coding languages for Linux and Windows. Download this software here: This editor is intended…

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Some miscellaneous BASH tricks. Useful tips for all Linux users.

This command shows how to display a listing of files with ls and show line numbers at the same time. homer@deep-thought ~/Desktop/Site % ls | nl 1 back.jpg 2 bejiitas_phpb1 3 bejiitas_phpb1.sql 4 cgi-bin 5 Files.tar.lzma 6 7 my2.tar.lzma 8 program.c 9 quake38.jpg 10 sysinfo 11 12 wrap.rarhomer@deep-thought…

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