How to embed the output of a command into a bash script.

Embedding the output of a command into a bash shell script is quite easy. Here is an example. echo "Hello $(whoami), the date is $(date -u). Have a nice day"echo "Hello $(whoami), the date is $(date -u). Have a nice day" This is the output this will give you. ┌─[jason@neo]─[~]…

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Cool C programs and some very useful code snippets to make programming even more fun.

A very obfuscated C program. typedef unsigned char t;t*F="%c",l[]="|\\/=_ \n](.\0(),*(.(=(}*.)[[*.",N=’\n’,* r;typedef(*H)();extern H Ar;Q(a){return(a|-a)>>31;}H S(c,a){return(H)(a&~c|(int )Ar&c);}extern t*ist;V(t*u){*u^=*u&2^(*u>>7)*185;}Z(t*u,t n){*u-=n;}e(t c,H h){ R(h,Q(* r^c));} I(){r=l +7-4*Q( getchar ()^*l); }R(H h, int c){Ar=S (c,h);- main() ;}P(){r ++;}z() { O(&N);} O(t*c){ printf( F,+*c); }T(){r= "This is not a function\n" ;}w(U){ U=Z(r,8 ); r-=~Q(* r/8-4); return…

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