Dump the contents of a virtual console with this command.

There is a simple way to dump the contents of a virtual console to a file, the screendump command is the best way to achieve this. ubuntu ~ $ sudo screendump Ubunt * Stopping System V runlevel compatibility [ OK ] u 14.0 * Starting execute cloud user/final scripts […

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Import a WordPress database dump into MySQL easily.

Importing a WordPress database dump into MySQL is very easy, I downloaded a very old backup of my old website, and I wanted to see what was in it. So I installed MySQL and then I had to create the database. mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath;mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath; This was…

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Wannacry malware execution flowchart.

This is the execution flow for the Wannacry malware. This ransomware can encrypt all of your files and then demand payment in bitcoins to decrypt the files. The virus was recently remade into a 2.0 with no killswitch. But the older version is this one that had a killswitch that…

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How to view the Admin account in the WordPress database using MySQL and a database dump.

How to view the Admin account in the WordPress database using MySQL. mysql> select * from wp_users where user_login = "Admin"; +—-+————+————————————+—————+————————+——————————+———————+———————+————-+————–+ | ID | user_login | user_pass | user_nicename | user_email | user_url | user_registered | user_activation_key | user_status | display_name | +—-+————+————————————+—————+————————+——————————+———————+———————+————-+————–+ | 1 | Admin | $P$Bt0QTjses0mAaASZtqYbcnz8zalQK71…

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