Mounting an LVM volume on Ubuntu 20.04 is very easy.

Mounting an old LVM volume on Ubuntu 20.04, is very easy, there are numerous posts on Stackoverflow that have many complicated commands for mounting a drive using the command line. But I needed to mount an old Ubuntu installation and it was an LVM2 volume, so I could not get…

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Future of Linux looking brighter.

I am running Linux at the moment with a Geforce 740 and I have not installed the proprietary drivers at all. I am using the Nouveau drivers and my system is performing very quickly indeed. Previously, I had a Radeon HD6670 installed and the open-source drivers were used. And in…

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How to re-build the ATI drivers on Fedora 20 after upgrading the kernel.

I recently updated to a new kernel version and the ATI drivers were not loaded as they had not been built for that kernel. I had to re-compile the ATI drivers, so I switched to the root user and navigated to this folder. [root@localhost homer]# cd /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/[root@localhost homer]# cd /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/…

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Installing Virtualbox guest additions in Linux Mint 13.

I have installed a fresh copy of Linux Mint 13 in Virtualbox to experiment with and I needed to install the guest additions to enable full desktop resolutions and many other features. I downloaded the guest additions ISO from here: and then added it to Virtualbox as a CDROM…

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What needs to change on the Linux desktop.

The Linux desktop needs a change badly. There is an article and a video here: Talking about what needs to change with the Linux distributions of today to improve the experience for the desktop users. I think that getting rid of the stupid and useless Unity desktop interface and…

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