List the contents of a deb package before installation.

A Debian deb package is an archive that contains files to be installed on your system. There are ways to list the contents of a deb package before installation. Use the dpkg(1) command to achieve this easily. List all files in the deb archive. ┌─[✗]─[jason@darkstar]─[~] └──╼ $dpkg –contents brave.deb┌─[✗]─[jason@darkstar]─[~] └──╼…

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Some very useful apt tips for Debian and Ubuntu.

There are some very useful tricks that can be used to get information about packages installed on a Debian or Ubuntu machine. Here are just a few. Get a graphical view of the actual dependencies of a package such as Firefox. Firstly, install the graphviz package. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ sudo apt install…

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Some very useful Ubuntu tips.

To find out what repository a package came from, use the dpkg -s command. jason@jason-desktop:~$ dpkg -s zdoom Package: zdoom Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: web Installed-Size: 9330 Maintainer: DRD Team <[email protected]> Architecture: amd64 Version: 2.8.1 Depends: libc6, libstdc++6, zlib1g, bzip2, libgtk2.0-0 Recommends: timidity, libfluidsynth1 Description: Advanced Doom…

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