How to easily capture video from websites that use blobs.

Downloading video from a website can be very annoying if they use video blobs that are assembled into a full video file. But I have found one way of doing this. The example shown below has many individual files that are video blobs, these are assembled using a master.m3u8 file….

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A much better way to save audio from Youtube with youtube-dl.

Saving music from Youtube is fun. I am going to show how to save in good quality using youtube-dl by itself. This command will do it in one go. youtube-dl -f 140 –embed-thumbnail –extract-audio –audio-format mp3youtube-dl -f 140 –embed-thumbnail –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 This is the command in action….

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How to download a Youtube video thumbnail on Linux.

Downloading a thumbnail of a Youtube video on Linux is very easy. This can be done using the youtube-dl script. Use this youtube-dl command to list all thumbnails for this video. ┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Pictures] └──╼ $youtube-dl –list-thumbnails [youtube] 0ttKUEI3rtM: Downloading webpage [info] Thumbnails for 0ttKUEI3rtM: ID width height URL 0 168…

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How to download a video blob easily from a website.

Downloading a video blob from a website can be very frustrating. This is easier with the Download Helper extension for Firefox. This can make this task very easy. When you are on a website that hasthe video you want, click the Download Helper icon and find the format and resolution…

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How to download Tik Tik videos without using an app in 2020.

Tik Tok is a very useful website for sharing short-form videos online. But you cannot easily download videos unless you know how to. But there is a very useful trick to do this using Firefox. Just open a video then right-click on the video and then choose Inspect Element. Then…

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Download only the audio from a video on Vimeo.

The video hosting site Vimeo works the same as Youtube, it has separate files for video and audio that are put together to play an online video. This can be downloaded easily with a script. The youtube-dl script can download only the audio from a Youtube video, and it can…

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Ubuntu 20.04 is out, give this new distro a try now.

The new release of Ubuntu, 20.04 is out now. This is all new and comes with a very nice wallpaper. The awesome selection of ubuntu wallpapers in Ubuntu 20.04. These are very nice. After installation, make sure to run this command to update package repositories. sudo apt upgradesudo apt upgrade…

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