Windows 8.1 still very annoying and insecure these days.

Windows 8.1 at the moment is giving me a lot of problems. There is constant disk activity at 0.1 megabytes per second. This is very annoying, there are Windows services doing this, but it only recently started. T think it is better to use Linux instead, which does not have…

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Linux more durable than ever before.

The Linux distributions we use today are more stable and reliable than ever before. I remember when filling up your hard drive would lead to a kernel panic, but today my hard disk was at 0% space and I just got a notification popup telling me that, so I could…

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A useful posting explaining why Linux does not need defragmenting.

If you are interested in how the Linux filesystem works, then this is a posting you really need to read: This is a posting explaining how the Linux filesystem stores file and why it does not need to defragment the filesystem as it stores files more efficiently. I have…

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Some very useful Powershell tricks.

Print the current date and time with Powershell. "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date)"{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) This is an example of what this will give you. PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) Tuesday – 08:42:05 – 30/1/18PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss -…

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Monitor disk latency with the ioping command on Linux.

How will your HDD perform under load? Measuring disk latency on Linux is very easy if the right command is used. This useful utility makes a difficult task very simple. Here is an example of the usage. ubuntu ~ $ sudo ioping /dev/xvda 4.0 KiB from /dev/xvda (device 30.0 GiB):…

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A few ways to list disk information in Linux Mint.

There are a few ways in Linux Mint to view disk information. The Disks utility found at Preferences->Hardware-Disks allows the viewing of hard disk information. This displays all of the partitions and their types on a selected physical disk. There are options for unmounting partitions, deleting a partition and even…

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Will we ever completely replace the hard drive?

I  am wondering, if due to the popularity of the SSD solid state hard drives, are we going to see the end of the conventional hard disk with metal platters and read-write heads that skitter over the surface floating on a cushion of air. The SSD drives are getting better…

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How to format a partition in Linux. This is very easy.

Formatting a partition in Linux is very easy when you use the mkfs command. In this example I am formatting a 35 gigabyte partition with an EXT4 file-system. I am intending to try out a Linux From Scratch build and I want to have a dedicated partition to build this…

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Using the iostat command to keep track of disk usage on Linux.

This example shows the iostat command printing information about disk usage on my Ubuntu system. jason@jason-desktop:~$ iostat Linux 4.6.0-rc1-jason (jason-desktop) 01/05/16 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)   avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 2.50 0.43 1.28 24.37 0.00 71.42   Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 1.49 147.22 0.00 64455…

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Useful commands for getting information about your computers memory status and hard drives.

This command used with grep will return information about your computers memory. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Total MemTotal: 12219468 kB SwapTotal: 70311928 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB HugePages_Total: 0jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Total MemTotal: 12219468 kB SwapTotal: 70311928 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB HugePages_Total:…

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