Back up your home directory easily with this simple script.

Back up your home directory with this simple script. This will concatenate all of your files into one tar archive, then compress it into a gzipped file. Firstly, install the required applications. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[~/Documents] └─$ sudo apt install pv pigz┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[~/Documents] └─$ sudo apt install pv pigz This is the backup script…

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How to list only directories with the ls command on Mac OSX.

The ls command on Mac OSX works a little differently than on a Linux machine, but listing only directories is very simple. This is one example, using only the ls command. deusexmachina:Documents jason$ ls -ld — */ drwxr-xr-x 3 jason staff 102 5 Mar 2018 POL/ drwxrwxrwx 31 jason staff…

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Why you need to secure your website against online attack.

Securing your website against online attacks is very important. There are many online tools and distributions like Backtrack and Kali that have mass-scanning tools to use against a website. Below is what a mass-scanning attack on a website looks like. This is searching for vulnerable scripts on an Apache website….

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How to setup proper directory indexing in Apache.

To get proper directory indexing set up in a directory in your Apache webserver configuration, firstly, create a .htaccess file and paste the code below into it. Options +Indexes   HeaderName HEADER.html ReadmeName FOOTER.html   IndexIgnore .htaccess .??* *~ *# HEADER* FOOTER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t *.incOptions +Indexes HeaderName…

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How to delete a directory on Linux.

Deleting a directory on Linux is very easy indeed. The rmdir command will perform this task adequately. You could also use the rm -rf abc/ command to delete a directory, but rmdir is easier to remember. eyjafjallajkull% rmdir abceyjafjallajkull% rmdir abc The rmdir command will not be able to delete…

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Linux versus Windows Server 2008 Active Directory.

I was setting up a Windows Server 2008 machine today with Active Directory and I was struck by the power that the Active Directory group policies give to the systems Administrator in terms of managing your client desktop machines and creating a unified locked-down desktop across all workstations. There is…

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