How to delete a directory on Linux.

Deleting a directory on Linux is very easy indeed. The rmdir command will perform this task adequately. You could also use the rm -rf abc/ command to delete a directory, but rmdir is easier to remember. eyjafjallajkull% rmdir abceyjafjallajkull% rmdir abc The rmdir command will not be able to delete…

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Using the MySQL SELECT statement to only show records that are a certain type.

Following on from my previous posting that covered setting up a MySQL database, here is a simple query that returns records that match a certain type. mysql> select * from operatingsystems where Type = "Windows"; +——+————-+———+———–+ | OsID | Name | Type | vendor | +——+————-+———+———–+ | 1 | Windows…

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Windows 8 copy and move operations to be overhauled.

This HTML5 video isn’t supported in your browser. If you don’t see a video here or can’t play it, download it here: High quality MP4 | Low quality MP4 The copy and move operations in Windows are to be repaired, previously in Windows the copy and move operations were quite…

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