How to create a keyboard map in the .Xmodmap file.

Creating a .Xmodmap file for Linux is very easy. This file contains all of the keyboard mappings for the keyboard keys for your system. jason@darknet:~$ xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmapjason@darknet:~$ xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap Now use less to view the completed file. jason@darknet:~$ cat .Xmodmapjason@darknet:~$ cat .Xmodmap This file can be…

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How to create an ISO image of a directory with the command line.

Creating an ISO image of a directory is useful sometimes. This command will create an ISO image of a directory, ready to burn to a CD or DVD. jason@darknet:~$ genisoimage -l -V hi -r ~/Downloads/stuff > cdrom.isojason@darknet:~$ genisoimage -l -V hi -r ~/Downloads/stuff > cdrom.iso Here is example usage, creating…

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A simple shell script to create a new Linux user account.

This simple script will help create new user accounts on a Linux system. This is very useful when administering a Linux machine and it is necessary to create a few user accounts. #!/bin/bash   clear   trap "" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM SIGTSTP   # Get username, check if its taken,…

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Creating webm video clips on Linux using ffmpeg.

The /g/ wiki has a good guide for creating webm video clips from your existing video content using ffmpeg. This is not very difficult and allows you to post the completed videos on your website. Firefox and Iceweasel have native support for the webm format; this is an easy way…

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