What I do like about the Gnome Shell desktop on Ubuntu 18.04.

I do like some elements of the Gnome Shell desktop environment. The progress indicator in the title bar of the file manager is one. This shows the progress of file copying operations while the user is doing other things. A very good idea that should have been implemented a long…

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Copying an Ubuntu kernel to a Gentoo installation

I have had someone come to my website looking for help on how to copy an Ubuntu kernel over to a Gentoo installation. This is not too hard to do. Let us say the kernel is version 2.6.35-14-generic. Then you will need to copy the /lib/modules/2.6.35-14-generic folder into the /lib/modules…

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Moving folders to your home directory.

I recently had to move some folders to my home directory on my Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 installation as the root user and I then had to change the ownership of the folders and the files within to my current user. For example, I copied the ~/.themes folder to my home…

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