New Jxl image format to take over the Internet.

The new successor to the jpeg image format is called jxl, this allows much higher compression than Jpeg and would be awesome for websites with a lot of images. I found a nice resolution png image and I converted it to webp. This gave me a 55 kilobyte image, compressed…

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Create a tiled image with ImageMagick on Linux.

Creating a tiled image on Linux with the command line is very easy to do. This command will take the pyramid.bmp file and tile it as a 3440×1440 widescreen image. ┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Pictures/Windows/bitmaps] └──╼ $convert -size 3440×1440 tile:pyramid.bmp Tiles.jpg┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Pictures/Windows/bitmaps] └──╼ $convert -size 3440×1440 tile:pyramid.bmp Tiles.jpg This example will create a massive 7680×2160…

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Convert a MIDI file to OGG in the best quality possible.

To convert a MIDI file to OGG on Linux, use the LMMS music-making application. Import a MIDI file by opening the Import menu. This is the Project->Import menu option. Then export the MIDI file to an OGG format file with default settings. This will create a very high-quality rendering of…

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How to place a watermark in the corner of an image with ImageMagick.

ImageMagick(1) can be used to put a watermark on an image easily. The command below will place a TV styled watermark on an image in the lower left corner. This is very useful to watermark images you place on the Internet. convert pripyat.jpg ABCTV2005.png -gravity southeast -composite output.pngconvert pripyat.jpg ABCTV2005.png…

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Convert a short video clip to a nice webm easily.

Converting a short video clip to a small webm file is very easy. Firstly, do this as part 1 of the two pass encoding process. ffmpeg -i BarakaClip.mkv -c:v libvpx -deadline good -cpu-used 5 -b:v 1000K -qmax 50 -an -f null -ffmpeg -i BarakaClip.mkv -c:v libvpx -deadline good -cpu-used 5…

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Image manipulation with the Linux shell.

Emulate a Polaroid photo with the imagemagik package on Linux. convert lifeinCanberra_bg.jpg -polaroid 0 house.jpgconvert lifeinCanberra_bg.jpg -polaroid 0 house.jpg This is the original image. And this is the image after manipulation. Double the size of an image, while retaining relatively good image quality. convert missile.jpg -magnify missilebig.jpgconvert missile.jpg -magnify…

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How to convert a jpg image to ASCII using the Linux command line.

The jp2a package for Ubuntu will convert a jpeg image into an ascii text representation. This is useful for creating useful ascii images to post on the Internet. Install it by typing: sudo apt-get install jp2a and then convert an image this way. ~$ jp2a myimage.jpg~$ jp2a myimage.jpg This will…

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How to convert a midi file to Ogg or FLAC with Timidity.

This is how to use Timidity to convert a MIDI file into an Ogg Vorbis audio file. This is very useful for playing them with Banshee or Audacious. [homer@localhost Documents]$ timidity sound009.mid -Ov -o blood009.ogg Playing sound009.mid MIDI file: sound009.mid Format: 1 Tracks: 10 Divisions: 480 Sequence: Seq-1 Track name:…

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Using the Linux rename command and other useful commands for Linux Mint 13.

The rename command for the Linux shell allows you to rename a directory full of files en-mass. This first example, based on the examples in the rename manual page. Firstly renaming a directory full of xhtml files to the html extension. rename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtmlrename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtml And renaming a folder…

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Installing and theming enlightenment E17 on Linux Mint 12.

The enlightenment E17 desktop on Linux Mint 12 works a million times better than the Ubuntu packages did with 12.04. They were very unstable, but the Linux Mint 12 distribution is as stable as Linux should be. Even if it is a beta release as the Ubuntu distribution was, there…

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