Interesting command line tricks on Windows.

There are quite a few interesting command-line tricks for Windows. Create a folder named CON. This is quite difficult to delete. echo "hello" > \\.\C:\Users\shawn\Documents\CONecho "hello" > \\.\C:\Users\shawn\Documents\CON Another interesting trick is one. C:\Users\Dyatlov\Downloads\testing>echo "" > ….::$INDEX_ALLOCATION The system cannot find the file specified.C:\Users\Dyatlov\Downloads\testing>echo "" > ….::$INDEX_ALLOCATION The system cannot…

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How to get the IP address of your computer with Powershell.

This is how to get the current IP address of the active network adapter in your Windows system. PS C:\Users\Doom> (Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1).IPV4Address.IPAddressToString C:\Users\Doom> (Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1).IPV4Address.IPAddressToString This prints the IP address of your machine to the Powershell terminal. This is a great way…

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How to get a good old fashioned text boot with Ubuntu 18.04.

This GRUB config in the /etc/default/grub file will give a good old-fashioned text boot instead of the graphical bootsplash that we are all familiar with. This works very well on my system, and the user can see exactly what is happening when the machine is booting up. This allows the…

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Setting a larger console font on Ubuntu 12.04.

Setting a larger console font on Ubuntu Linux 12.04. To do this first get to a text console by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2 and login with your username ↦ password, then type this command to set a larger font. setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat7-TerminusBold28x14.psf.gzsetfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat7-TerminusBold28x14.psf.gz This is a nice large font and is more readable…

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How to fix garbled console font in Ubuntu 15.04 Linux.

The console font in Ubuntu 15.04 can be quite garbled when a console application is loaded that requires ncurses characters to draw an interface. There as easy fix for this. Run this command in a virtual terminal or a terminal emulator window. sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setupsudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup Now choose UTF-8…

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How to take screenshots of the Linux framebuffer console in Ubuntu.

How to capture your Virtual Terminal to a png file The fbgrab application is used to screen capture the Linux frame-buffer console. Install this utility with the sudo apt-get install fbgrab command and then you may use this command to take a screen-shot of the frame-buffer console. Download the source…

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Using the .inputrc file to control keybindings in xterm.

Using the .inputrc file to control keybindings in xterm. If you wish to control the key bindings for Backspace, Delete, Home & the End keys in Xterm then read on. The ~/.inputrc file in your home directory controls this behavior, using the defines in this file you may control the…

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Installing a nice console font in Ubuntu.

To install another cool console font in Ubuntu, install this package: fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console. These fonts are quite blocky, but they are something different if you wish to try another cool font for your Linux console. Type this command to install these very lovely fonts. sudo apt-get install fonts-ubuntu-font-family-consolesudo apt-get install fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console…

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Setting a larger console font in Debian Squeeze.

This is very easy to do. Simply open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install kbd-compat console-terminussudo apt-get install kbd-compat console-terminus This will install the setfont utility and a nice terminus console font. To set the desired font, type this command. The fonts will be in /usr/share/consolefonts. setfont Uni2-TerminusBold24x12.psf.gzsetfont Uni2-TerminusBold24x12.psf.gz…

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