NDAA bill currently before congress and some hope of defeating the bill.

http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/tqpjk/crazy_ndaa_news_judge_issues_injunction_against/. The American Congress are currently debating the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill that will allow indefinite detention of American citizens. This means that any United States Citizen accused of terrorism will be indefinitely imprisoned, meaning that the Homeland is becoming a third world police state. Will they get…

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Internet censorship still on the cards.

The future of the Internet is still under threat even though the SOPA Internet censorship bill has been defeated in the Senate, this does not mean that we can afford to relax our guard just yet. Congress could wait for a slow news day and slip something under the radar…

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House representative kills SOPA Internet Censorship bill.

The House of Representatives in the United States have killed the Stop Online Piracy Act. This is a great success in protecting the freedom and openness of the Internet. There have been many people attacking the Internet and even Google for copyright infringment. Rupert Murdoch was speaking out against Google…

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