How to regenerate a GRUB configuration on Linux.

Assuming your grub is installed correctly you need to re-generate its configuration. In a terminal, the steps to do this are as follows. You need to mount the partition in a chroot. This can be done quickly when using a Linux Mint live DVD. Escalate your shell to root because…

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Very useful Linux files to setup your installation.

Linux configuration files Here are a few useful Linux configuration files to get your installation setup and working just fine. ~/.vimrc. This is to setup the VIM editor and make it easier to use for the average Linux user. " ~/.vimrc (configuration file for vim only) " skeletons function! SKEL_spec()…

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How to setup an SSH login using host keys instead of a password.

To setup an SSH login on your Linux machine that does not require a password and uses SSH host keys instead, follow this simple guide. Firstly, generate a set of keys for your SSH login. ubuntu ~/Documents $ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save…

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A good guide to creating SSH keys and disabling the password for an SSH login.

This guide I just used used allows a Linux user to disable the password and enable SSH keys to manage logins to an SSH server. This is very useful, you can access your machine remotely and without requiring the user to remember a complex password. if you are on…

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My Mikrotik PPTP configuration file. This is a working config.

This is a working PPTP configuration I used to connect two Mikrotik routers together using a PPTP configuration on a local LAN. # jan/01/2002 01:56:00 by RouterOS 6.2 # software id = 8HHI-TYLD # /interface bridge add admin-mac=D4:CA:6D:31:02:53 auto-mac=no l2mtu=1598 name=bridge-local \ protocol-mode=rstp /interface wireless set 0 band=2ghz-b/g/n channel-width=20/40mhz-ht-above disabled=no…

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The MyUnity configuration application.

The MyUnity configuration tool is a useful utility to configure the Unity desktop the way you wish. The utility may be installed on Ubuntu by typing sudo apt-get install myunity, then run myunity to load the application and configure away. With additions like this, that really should be integrated into…

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