The history of computers.

The history of computers goes back to ancient Greece, with the Ankithera machine that was an Astronomical calculator to compute the positions of the planets. More recently, Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) of France invented the computing machine to perform various calculations which were followed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646…

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Computing technology is amazing, but we need superconductors.

The computing revolution of the 1970`s with the introduction of the microprocessor chip and the resulting miniaturisation of circuitry has given us a new age in computer technology, but we are still held back by limits imposed by the heat generated by circuitry that is packed very tightly together and…

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Modern computing has its roots in the experimentation of old.

Modern computing is the result of generations of development and experimentation. This is the result of ingenious development of first, mechanical, and then electronic computers. These discoveries helped to make computing possible as a viable business application. In short, computers made us smarter. Our computers are now becoming smarter because…

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Computing in the future. What we need to do now.

This machine before your eyes is extremely powerful, a machine that grants its user access to all of the information conceived by the human species. It is capable of performing highly complicated mathematical calculations thousands, possibly millions of times faster than your typical human, and can store massive amounts of…

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Tech fails and funny Windows pictures.

This image is a photograph of an ATM machine that has Windows 7 installed, this machine requires Windows 7 activation… This is an Ethernet connection that is over 231 meters long. Far too long for a standard Ethernet connection. The maximum range of a cable is 100 meters according to…

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Very old computing advertisements and images.

Some very old computer advertisements and images. This is an advertisement against piracy. 50,000 dollar 5 megabyte hard disk drive being loaded onto a truck. Windows 3.1 disk space indicator. This was the very old days of computing. You can certainly tell that disk space was far more restricted than…

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Useful Linux weblinks. Very interesting information. Debugging Under Unix: gdb Tutorial. Setting up the Metasploit framework in Kali Linux. Using the netdiscover command on Linux to scan for hosts on a network. Watch Netflix on Ubuntu with the Google Chrome browser and ditch Windows on your media center machine. How to…

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Networking terms and their meanings.

Some common networking terms and their meanings. IPv4 – IP version 4: This is the current networking standard that defines an IP address with a 32-bit address composed of four octects. IPv6 – IP version 6: A newer standard of IP addressing that will replace the current IPv4. This uses…

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Customising Linux and Computing history.

The Linux distributions that are in common use all over the world have many advantages over the closed source operating systems such as Windows and Macintosh operating systems, the freedom to customize the distribution and create your own version of the distribution is the key strength of Linux. The Ubuntu…

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