Mounting an ISO image with the command line and other useful commands.

Mounting an ISO image to a folder and accessing the contents of the image is very simple. Firstly we need to create a directory to mount the image to. |{/mnt/Elements/Files/ISOs}-{Fri Mar 22 23:52:17} -{john@adeptus-mechanicus } $ sudo mkdir /root/img [sudo] password for john:|{/mnt/Elements/Files/ISOs}-{Fri Mar 22 23:52:17} -{john@adeptus-mechanicus } $ sudo…

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Some more useful Linux commands for the bash shell.

How to create an ISO image of a DVD or CDR disk easily with the command-line. dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/home/$LOGNAME/mydisk.iso bs=2kdd if=/dev/sr0 of=/home/$LOGNAME/mydisk.iso bs=2k This will rip a copy of the disk to the hard drive. To write this image to a blank DVD disk; use this command. sudo wodim -dev=/dev/sr0…

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A correction I have to make regarding the Powershell and wildcards. The bash shell is still better though.

I need to correct what I said in this posting: and also this one. regarding the Powershell and its handling of certain constructs that I mentioned in this posting: It turns out that the Powershell does support this after all as shown in this sample below. PS C:\Users\Homer\Documents>…

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Useful commands for getting information about your computers memory status and hard drives.

This command used with grep will return information about your computers memory. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Total MemTotal: 12219468 kB SwapTotal: 70311928 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB HugePages_Total: 0jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Total MemTotal: 12219468 kB SwapTotal: 70311928 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB HugePages_Total:…

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Linux commands that are also available on Android.

There are many Linux commands that are available on Android devices when you are using the terminal emulator app. Firstly the ls command. This is used to list files in a directory. Then the cat command; this is used to view the contents of a text file. The mv command…

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Some very useful Linux command-line tips and tricks for the desktop user.

Using the install-mbr command to install a main boot record (MBR) onto a disk. [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ sudo install-mbr –force –partition 1 /dev/sdi [sudo] password for flynn: [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$[flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ sudo install-mbr –force –partition 1 /dev/sdi [sudo] password for flynn: [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ This command would be useful if you are building…

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Getting information about an ISO image and many obscure Linux commands.

This command shows the filesize of an ISO image. -21:19:07– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ isosize -d 1024 en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso 3149108-21:19:07– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ isosize -d 1024 en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso 3149108 This may also be achieved with the ls command. -21:19:06– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ ls -Hula en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso -rw——- 1 flynn flynn 3.1G 17-03-12 10:48 pm en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso-21:19:06– flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$…

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Some more useful Linux commands that are very useful indeed.

Using the Linux last command to view re-boot history. C:\HOME\FLYNN\DOCUMENTS> last reboot reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Sat Aug 4 12:50 – 14:29 (01:39) reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Fri Aug 3 21:11 – 21:16 (00:05) reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Fri Aug 3 20:21 – 20:57 (00:36) reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Fri…

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Some obscure but very useful Linux commands for any user.

To view the contents of an ISO  image, the isoinfo command for Linux will come in very useful indeed. Just type isoinfo -f -i myiso.iso to view the contents of the ISO image as shown in this example. C:\MEDIA\ELEMENTS\FILES\ISOS> isoinfo -f -i linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-64bit.iso /BOOT /CASPER /EFI /ISOLINUX /MD5SUM.TXT;1 /PRESEED /_DISK…

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Using the Linux rename command and other useful commands for Linux Mint 13.

The rename command for the Linux shell allows you to rename a directory full of files en-mass. This first example, based on the examples in the rename manual page. Firstly renaming a directory full of xhtml files to the html extension. rename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtmlrename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtml And renaming a folder…

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Managing processes with the UNIX command line.

The Linux command-line has many powerful tools for viewing and managing running processes on your UNIX/Linux machine. The lsof command is a very useful command, it will display a list of all open files owned by active processes running on your system. Below is an excerpt from the output this…

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Useful Commands in Linux/UNIX.

Changing permissions of a file. To add executable permissions for all categories of a file, you would use chmod a+x foo. To add executable permissions for only the current user, you would use: chmod go-wx foochmod go-wx foo Or you could use chmod +x: chmod +x foochmod +x foo That…

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Tron Legacy UNIX commands revisited. As seen in this posting above, the Tron Legacy movie used computers with a variant of the Solaris UNIX operating system. The ps -ef command works in the FreeBSD UNIX distribution, you need to mount procfs with this command: mount -t procfs proc /proc this will enable the proc…

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