How to list the 20 most recently modified files and other bash tricks.

This command will list 20 of the most recently modified files in a directory. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~/Documents$ ls -thor | head -n 20 total 3.9G -rwxrwxrwx 1 jason 219K Mar 20 2008 northwind.sql -rw——- 1 jason 2.2M Jan 21 2009 ubuntupocketguide-v1-1.pdf -rwxrwxrwx 1 jason 1.9K Apr 28 2011 randimg.c -rw-r–rw- 1 jason…

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Very useful Linux configurations for setting up a desktop.

IceWM configuration fileUseful Linux CommandsVery Verbose ps commandBlackbox ThemeGNU/Linux CD Burning: (Updated! for Debian Linux 6.0.)CD Burning with BraseroWriting Ghost Images to CD IceWM configuration file My ICEWM preferences file. from $HOME/.icewm/preferences. This file has a nice friendly time format and a good Win95 styled theme. This IceWM configuration file…

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Miscellaneous Linux commands. Some useful tips for the Linux BASH prompt.

The ldd command will print out a list of all libraries that an executable is linked against. This is the output for a simple “Hello World” command. 20:15:31 tux@linux-v415 ($ ldd ./a.out => (0x00007fff171ff000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fe56ef58000) /lib64/ (0x00007fe56f2e8000) 20:15:49 tux@linux-v415 ($20:15:31 tux@linux-v415 ($ ldd ./a.out =>…

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Nice commands on Macintosh to keep track of network usage.

The Mac OSX operating system has a lot of very useful commands for keeping track of network usage. Here is a very nice one. The nettop command. As you can see, this shows a constantly updating display of network usage on Mac. This is very useful for watching network throughput…

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Interesting Linux commands that might be very useful.

List only directories with the Linux command line. This lists a directory with all folders listed first, then return only the listing of folders in the directory. 4.4 Tue Oct 09 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ ls –color=auto –group-directories-first -Hul | head -n `echo */ | wc -w` total 3866624 drwxrwxrwx+ 6…

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Interesting one-liner to batch rename files.

This is a very interesting one-liner. This will batch rename files according to wildcards. jason@Yog-Sothoth » Pictures » $ for i in *.png; do mv -vi — "${i}" "$(date +%s%3N).${i#*.}"; done This renames files with a filename generated using the UNIX epoch. I guess this could be useful to someone…

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Obscure Windows CMD commands.

There are quite a few Windows CMD commands that users do not know about. I will be showing you a handful to improve your usage of the CMD prompt. The findstr command. This is just like the grep command for Linux. findstr /s "BIS_C_OFFROAD" *.sqmfindstr /s "BIS_C_OFFROAD" *.sqm This is…

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Some more very useful Linux commands.

This Linux command will print all the filenames of the PAM libraries in the /lib directory. A good use of the find command. find /lib{,64} -iname ‘*pam*.so’find /lib{,64} -iname ‘*pam*.so’ Print a waveform in the terminal that will continue until you press control-c. for((i=0;;i++)) { printf "%$(bc -l <<< "a=20*s($i/10);scale=0;a/1+20")s|\n";…

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Some very interesting and useful Linux commands.

Stripping comments out of a configuration file can be useful when submitting it to a forum for others to study. This is how to do this. ubuntu /etc/ssh $ grep -vE ‘^#’ sshd_configubuntu /etc/ssh $ grep -vE ‘^#’ sshd_config This will print the file to the terminal, allowing the user…

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Historical Linux oddities from the past.

Interesting Linux oddities Linux has had quite a few odd programs and oddities released for it. One was a process management system that used a modified copy of Xdoom, a Doom source port, to manage processes. The utility used the Doom2 game files and there were Imps in the main…

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Useful Linux commands for getting uptime and other information.

Very useful Linux commands Another way to get the uptime of the system. awk ‘{printf("Uptime: %d:%02d days, %02d minutes, %02d seconds.\n",($1/60/60/24),($1/60/60%24),($1/60%60),($1%60))}’ /proc/uptimeawk ‘{printf("Uptime: %d:%02d days, %02d minutes, %02d seconds.\n",($1/60/60/24),($1/60/60%24),($1/60%60),($1%60))}’ /proc/uptime Find the actual device name of the drive that contains your root partition. ip-172-31-20-16:~> findmnt -n -o SOURCE / /dev/xvda1ip-172-31-20-16:~>…

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Some very important Linux tips for new and advanced users.

IceWM configuration fileUseful Linux CommandsVery Verbose ps commandBlackbox ThemeGNU/Linux CD Burning: (Updated! for Debian Linux 6.0.)CD Burning with BraseroWriting Ghost Images to CDSome obscure Linux tips for the advanced Linux userDownload a new kernel for your Ubuntu Linux machine Some obscure Linux tips for the advanced Linux user The magic…

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Very useful VIM tutorial PDF.

This useful VIM tutorial PDF will teach you how to use the VIM editor on a UNIX or Linux system. This one has information about the VI editor. The above image contains the VI movement commands, allowing the user to move around the text file using the keyboard…

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Random Linux commands.

Fetch information about a random Linux command. curl -sL | sed ‘3,4!d’curl -sL | sed ‘3,4!d’ Here is an example. ┌─[jason@neo]─[~] └──╼ $curl -sL | sed ‘3,4!d’ # An easter egg built into python to give you the Zen of Python echo "import this" | python┌─[jason@neo]─[~] └──╼…

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Some interesting and useful Linux commands and BASH tricks.

A useful awk implementation to count the number of entries in the /etc/passwd file. john@deusexmachina:~$ sudo awk -F: ‘{ print $1 }’ /etc/passwd | wc -l 34john@deusexmachina:~$ sudo awk -F: ‘{ print $1 }’ /etc/passwd | wc -l 34 And the quintessential “Hello World” in Awk. john@deusexmachina:~$ awk ‘BEGIN {…

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