More evil scripts for Arma 3 trolling.

This script will spawn a cloud of mines around the player, this is a lot of fun to deal with. _source = eyepos player; _distance = 35;   for "_i" from 1 to 1000 do { _veh = createVehicle ["APERSMineDispenser_Mine_Ammo_Scripted", _source, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _pos = _source vectorAdd (vectorNormalized [(random…

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Some more very useful Arma 3 scripting commands.

There are many very useful scripting commands for Arma 3 that are less known. The one below will return the number of days the player has played Arma 3 in total. _daysplayed = getStatValue "GamePlayedDays";_daysplayed = getStatValue "GamePlayedDays"; Use this code to determine if a player has finished the Bootcamp…

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Another example of a command that you should never run on Linux.

An obfuscated command like this is an example of one that you should never run. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ echo "ZWNobyBIYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFodG91Y2ggLS1mdWNreW91ISA+PiAtZnVja3UhCg==" | base64 -d | sh -s┌──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ echo "ZWNobyBIYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFoYWhhaGFodG91Y2ggLS1mdWNreW91ISA+PiAtZnVja3UhCg==" | base64 -d | sh -s This is the actual command it will run, this creates a file…

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Common errors and troubleshooting commands for Linux.

Some useful Linux tips and troubleshooting commands Some useful Linux tips and troubleshooting commandsHow to install the restricted codecs in UbuntuHow to boot an Ubuntu live ISO from the GRUB bootloaderHow to re-install the GRUB bootloader using a live Linux CDHow to find out the domain name that goes with…

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Some very useful Linux commands for new users.

There are many useful Linux commands that are very useful when navigating your new Linux system. Checking disk space or deleting files is very easily done with the command line. To get a basic introduction to the Linux command line, use the man intro command. This gives a basic rundown…

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Very useful Linux tips and tricks.

This command will capture a screenshot of the desktop and save it to the home directory. jason@neo:~$ import -window root "$HOME/$(date ‘+%y%m%d_%T’).png"jason@neo:~$ import -window root "$HOME/$(date ‘+%y%m%d_%T’).png" This is how to do this with the scrot utility. jason@neo:~$ scrot Desktop-%H:%M:%S-%d-%m.jpgjason@neo:~$ scrot Desktop-%H:%M:%S-%d-%m.jpg Characters preceded by a ‘%’ are interpreted by…

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Very useful CMD commands to use on a Windows machine.

To get system information about a Windows PC, use this simple command in CMD. systeminfo /FO CSV /NHsysteminfo /FO CSV /NH This should give the user a CSV formatted output that can be imported into a spreadsheet. Search a folder of text files for a specific text string. This is…

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