Windows 2000 source code leaked.

The Windows 2000 and Windows NT 3.51 source code has leaked on to the Internet. This is a very interesting release of code. I wonder how much of this code is still in Windows 10. it is nice to look back at older releases of Windows and see how it…

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NT 3.50 Build 782 (RC2) source code has been leaked.

The source code for the NT 3.50 Build 782 (RC2) source code has been leaked. This is a complete archive of source code for the operating system, a very old version of Windows NT. Here is some sample source code from the CMD utility, this is CMD.C. \PRIVATE\WINDOWS\CMD\CMD.C1 2 3…

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Old UNIX code from 1979. This is very interesting.

This very old UNIX source code from 1979. This is source code for the Bourne shell. This code looks alien compared to modern C code, I wonder if it would even compile on a modern machine. Have a look here: But I installed all the include files and it…

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Save player`s loadout after closing arsenal in Arma 3.

To save the player`s loadout after they close the arsenal in Arma 3, put this code in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. This code will save the player loadout after the arsenal is closed. [missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", { [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; titletext ["Arsenal loadout saved.", "PLAIN DOWN"]; }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;[missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", { [player,…

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Some very useful Windows 7 scripts to get system information.

A useful VBScript sample to get user information. This is just basic information about the user. ‘ Logoninformation.vbs ‘ VBScript Logon script. ‘ This program demonstrates how to get information about the logged in user. ‘ This script tested on a Windows 7 machine and works perfectly too. ‘ ———————————————————————-…

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Arma 3 scripting tricks and samples for making missions.

Detect if a player has the APEX DLC. if (395180 in getDLCs 1) then { (_this select 0) ctrlsettext ‘\a3\Ui_f\Data\Logos\arma3apex_white_ca.paa’; };if (395180 in getDLCs 1) then { (_this select 0) ctrlsettext ‘\a3\Ui_f\Data\Logos\arma3apex_white_ca.paa’; }; Remove all NVG goggles and weapons from enemies. { if (side _x == east) then { _x…

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Get nice system information on Macintosh OS with the command line.

Get information about apps installed on your Macintosh PC with the lsappinfo command. Use grep as shown below to find out information about a certain app, i.e Firefox in this case. deusexmachina:~ jason$ lsappinfo | grep Firefox 24) "Firefox" ASN:0x0-0x2a02a: bundle path="/Applications/" executable path="/Applications/" 26) "FirefoxCP WebExtensions" ASN:0x0-0x2c02c: bundle path="/Applications/"…

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Unneeded uproar over changes to Linux.

There are a few people who are upset over the changes to the Linux management. I.e the new code of conduct and the manager of the Linux kernel. Linux will not be affected, it is still the same Linux kernel and the same code, it will just be managed by…

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Arma 3 code snippets for making mods and missions.

This is a class that create a backpack that will unpack into a IED. It will detonate if shot at. class B_Carryall_EXP : Weapon_Bag_Base { scope = 2; class assembleInfo { assembleTo = "ModuleExplosive_IEDLandBig_F"; base = ""; displayName = "NATO Exp backpack."; dissasembleTo[] = {}; primary = 1; }; displayName…

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Very evil and cool Arma 3 script snippets.

Spawn a bomb wherever the player clicks on the map. onMapSingleClick "’Bomb_03_F’ createVehicle _pos,TRUE";onMapSingleClick "’Bomb_03_F’ createVehicle _pos,TRUE"; Attach a KAB-250 bomb to every bullet you fire, this also gives you unlimited ammo. Very destructive script for any malicious Arma 3 player. player addEventHandler ["Fired", { ("Bomb_03_F" createVehicle [0,0,1e9]) attachTo [_this…

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Code for Arma 3 to spawn you in a random jet with infinite ammo and refilling fuel.

This code will spawn you in a jet flying over the AO, this will pick a random jet and spawn you a long way up, so you will not crash before orienting yourself. Put this script in initPlayerLocal.sqf. private "_jet"; _jet = createVehicle [selectRandom ["O_Plane_Fighter_02_Stealth_F", "I_Plane_Fighter_04_F", "B_Plane_Fighter_01_Stealth_F", "O_Plane_CAS_02_dynamicLoadout_F"], getArray (configFile…

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Very useful C code samples. These might be very useful to someone.

Some very useful code samples for any C programmer. These might give you some new ideas. Print the time and date with C. #include <time.h> // For time function (random seed). #include <stdio.h> // For extra functions. printf(). #include <stdlib.h> // For getenv();   #define format "The time and date…

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Some more Arma 3 script samples.

Very useful Arma 3 scripting samples This scripting sample will remove the solar panels and doors from the Orange DLC tents and make them look like a good old fashioned MASH tent. med1 animateSource ["MedSign_Hide",1,true]; med1 animateSource ["Door_Hide",1,true]; med1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\A3\Structures_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Camps\Data\MedicalTent_01_tropic_F_CO.paa"];med1 animateSource ["MedSign_Hide",1,true]; med1 animateSource ["Door_Hide",1,true]; med1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"\A3\Structures_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Camps\Data\MedicalTent_01_tropic_F_CO.paa"]; Add…

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How to write a Hello World program in C that does not use main().

This simple program is a Hello World example that does not use the main() function. This is certainly possible in a C program. #define syscall(a, D, S, d) __asm__ __volatile__("syscall" : : "a"(a), "D"(D), "S"(S), "d"(d))   void _start(void) { syscall(1, 1, "Hello, World\n", 14); syscall(60, 0, 0, 0); }#define…

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Some very interesting programming code snippets.

This perl script is an old piece of code that will create a Windows version text string. I am sure someone might find this useful. #!/usr/bin/perl   use warnings;   @t = localtime(time());   $yr = ($t[5] + 1900) -1; $sr = int(( $t [4]/4) + 1); $v = int("$t[7]$t[2]$t[1]$t[0]"*((rand(rand(10)…

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