Interesting Linux command.

Interesting Linux command. This will give output rather like hacker-typer, this is printing the strace output of the ps aux command, this is very interesting to watch as the user can see what is actually happening when you are running this very useful one-liner. This prints quite pertinent output. strace…

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Nvidia driver release is either a good or bad thing.

What a nice way to ruin it for everyone, these leakers are acting against our best interest by doing this. Starting from Friday, every single FOSS GPU driver project will have to prepare for legal actions, they will also need to be able to spot illegal code before it’s even…

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Simple Windows system information program.

This is a very simple Windows System information program that will print some useful system information about the Windows system you are using. This might be very helpful if you are programming on Windows with Visual Studio. sysinfo.c1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13…

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Some more very useful Arma 3 scripting commands.

There are many very useful scripting commands for Arma 3 that are less known. The one below will return the number of days the player has played Arma 3 in total. _daysplayed = getStatValue "GamePlayedDays";_daysplayed = getStatValue "GamePlayedDays"; Use this code to determine if a player has finished the Bootcamp…

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I found the Sun OS 4.14 source code.

Sun OS Source code archive I have found an archive with the Sun OS 4.14 source code. This is very nice. I am uploading this as it might be very useful to someone. Download it here: This is a sample from the source code, this is the bin/env.c file….

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BeOS source code has surfaced on the Internet.

The source code for the BeOS operating system has surfaced on the Internet, this is a very interesting source code leak. This is part of the source code for the BIOS functionality of the BeOS operating system. /src/boot/x86/bios.c1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13…

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Cyberpunk 2077 source code has some interesting stuff in it.

This code in the Cyberpunk 2077 source leak has information about censorship options. This is to do with censoring Homosexuality, Nudity, Drugs, and Gore. dev/src/common/gameTelemetry/src/telemetryAggregator_InitialChoices.cpp215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 void InitialChoicesAggregator::GetCenshorship( telemetry::parameters::Censorship& censorship ) const { RED_SCOPE_FLAG_GUARD( m_accessFlag, Inclusive );  …

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Cyberpunk 2077 source code has been leaked.

The source code for the Cyberpunk 2077 computer game has been leaked, this is mostly scripts and build logs as well as some source code for PS4, PS5, and Xbox. This could be very interesting, the torrent is 818 GiB in size. This is a massive download. I do not…

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Miscellaneous programming tricks with C.

This is a very simple Hello World program in C. int main() { write(1, "Hello World\n", 14); }int main() { write(1, "Hello World\n", 14); } Counting how long a text string is. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MSG "Hello Doctor, let’s get back to the TARDIS!" int main() { int…

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Windows XP Program Manager source code.

Here is the source code to the Windows Program Manager, this is the main interface in Windows 3.1 and 3.11. This used program groups to organize various applications like Microsoft Office and accessories. As well as the ability to create your own program groups to organize your favorite applications. Download…

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Nissan source code leaked due to a mis-configured GIT repository.

The source of numerous Nissan products has been leaked to the Internet due to an improperly configured GIT repository. The login details were admin:admin. That is how useless the incompetent IT staff are. Now countless people are downloading the torrent and looking through all of the files. This is why…

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