Wikileaks Vault 7 treasure trove released.

The massive treasure trove of spying tools from the CIA has been released by the CIA. This contains many tools and documents that involve Samsung Smart TV devices, Android and Apple iPads. Nothing is safe it seems. The key for the archive is. SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWindsSplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds This is the MD5 hash. b7220044795824900ace025184df8b2cb7220044795824900ace025184df8b2c…

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Microsoft putting backdoors in Skype.

Are you still wanting to use Skype now? Even after this sorry tale has surfaced, telling of Microsoft cuddling up to the Homeland Security department and putting a legal back-door in Skype allowing the government to listen to all voice traffic through the Skype system. You should never use Skype…

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