Cyberpunk 2077 source code has some interesting stuff in it.

This code in the Cyberpunk 2077 source leak has information about censorship options. This is to do with censoring Homosexuality, Nudity, Drugs, and Gore. dev/src/common/gameTelemetry/src/telemetryAggregator_InitialChoices.cpp215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 void InitialChoicesAggregator::GetCenshorship( telemetry::parameters::Censorship& censorship ) const { RED_SCOPE_FLAG_GUARD( m_accessFlag, Inclusive );  …

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Get Ubuntu Chinese edition now. Ubuntu Kylin is very good.

There is a good version of Ubuntu for Chinese customers. Ubuntu Kylin is customized especially for China with custom applications installed that are specifically designed for use in China. Give this a try if you wish to have an alternative to Windows on your desktop or laptop machine. Download Ubuntu…

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Ubuntu Kylin. The most popular Ubuntu for the chinese market.

More than 1.5 million copies of the Ubuntu Kylin distribution have been downloaded in 2013. That shows the growing popularity of open-source software in China. The greater security of Linux compared to Windows allows a computer user to make good use of their computer without worrying about online malware and…

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Toddler run over and injured in China.

I have noticed that recently when I write a blog post that is about something I feel strongly about it is not as angry as I used to write on my older posts, as this blog was imported from my old Blogger blog that I had years ago. I used…

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Chinese space dominance.

The Chinese government has launched a space station module into orbit and are undeniably heading towards total dominance of space. Is this a good thing or bad? Once space is dominated by the communist countries then where will America be in this whole picture. Their economy is going downhill and…

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