Cyberpunk 2077 source code has some interesting stuff in it.

This code in the Cyberpunk 2077 source leak has information about censorship options. This is to do with censoring Homosexuality, Nudity, Drugs, and Gore. dev/src/common/gameTelemetry/src/telemetryAggregator_InitialChoices.cpp215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 void InitialChoicesAggregator::GetCenshorship( telemetry::parameters::Censorship& censorship ) const { RED_SCOPE_FLAG_GUARD( m_accessFlag, Inclusive );  …

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Liberal government to bring out an Internet filter if elected.

A Liberal National government in Australia would adopt the opt-out UK approach to filtering for all Australians. The policy comes less than 41 hours before polls open for voting in the federal election where the Coalition is currently expected to win. It is also almost a year after the Labour…

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Internet censorship still on the cards.

The future of the Internet is still under threat even though the SOPA Internet censorship bill has been defeated in the Senate, this does not mean that we can afford to relax our guard just yet. Congress could wait for a slow news day and slip something under the radar…

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House representative kills SOPA Internet Censorship bill.

The House of Representatives in the United States have killed the Stop Online Piracy Act. This is a great success in protecting the freedom and openness of the Internet. There have been many people attacking the Internet and even Google for copyright infringment. Rupert Murdoch was speaking out against Google…

Read More supporting online censorship.

The website hosting company GoDaddy are publicly supporting the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. This bill would condemn any website that is hosting or linking to copyright infringing material. GODaddy supports the SOPA bill that they say will be protecting the intellectual property of hard-working Americans, U.S. business and…

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Internet Censorship bill.

The Internet Censorship bill will restrict access to many websites on the Internet and restrict Internet freedom in the name of protecting copyrighted material from theft, at least that is what they are saying, but it will have many far-reaching effects that will compromise freedom of speech and the enjoyment…

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