New Linux distribution Sparky Linux. Based on Debian.

Easiest way to get the UNIX CDE desktop installed on a Linux Debian distribution There is a new Linux distribution available. Sparky Linux. This is based on Debian and has quite a lot of software available. Debian is a very stable Linux system and basing a new distribution on it…

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CDE desktop running on Ubuntu 14.04.

I have got the CDE desktop to compile on Ubuntu 14.04. I found this website:, which in turn lead me here:, a WIKI which contains the build instructions for Ubuntu 14.04. I followed this guide and the build worked perfectly. This is very cool indeed. The performance of…

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Cool GTK and Metacity theme to make MATE look like CDE.

GTK MATE theme: This is a lovely grey theme that themes the GTK interface to look like CDE. The Metacity theme that completes the CDE look: This is perfect if you want a retro-looking Linux Mint 15 MATE desktop. Blue Sun GTK theme: This is a very…

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CDE UNIX desktop available on Debian 6.0 Squeeze.

UNIX CDE desktop available for the Debian Linux distribution. The old UNIX CDE desktop is a very interesting and useful desktop environment. The modern desktop environments such as Gnome 3, Unity and the KDE 4 desktops are focused more on eye candy instead of actual fast and usable window management…

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