Patching Windows 7 in 2022.

If you want to be secure, you should mod your install to get the newest W7 patches. Microsoft tries to limit them to paying businesses, but you can lie to their servers and get them anyways. They are still publishing security only updates in 2022, but it will at least…

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Corona virus lock-down becoming a police state type of operation.

The Corona Virus lock-down is getting out of hand, the police are enforcing public order and patrolling outside areas to ensure that people are not sitting outside longer than required. This is to ensure that infectious people are kept away from others and to keep others safe. At least we…

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Privatization in the public sector, why is it necessary?

The global phenomenon of privatization was embraced around the world during the 1990s by all forms of government with disparate political aims, with Australia “setting the pace for privatization around the world” (Mead and Withers, 2002, p. 7). Privatization can defined as the “full or partial transfer of ownership of…

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